Chapter 8; Safe Zone Again.

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Tommy woke up in the car, Wilbur outside of it, talking with Fundy. Wilbur turned around a opened the door for Tommy to get out, "Wake up yet Tommy?" He joked, leaning on his car. "You ready to off home?" Fundy said, looking over at Tommy, still in his swimwear. "Yeah, I'm sorry I.." Tommy stopped himself remembering what Wilbur said a few days ago, and nodded in agreement.

~A few hours later~

Wilbur looked at the time, and ran too Tommy sitting outside of the house on the steps too the door. "Tommy! Get in the car, you're flight is taking off in an hour!" Wilbur yelled dragging Tommy to the car. "WOAH WOAH, An hour?! I not staying alone in an airport for an HOUR." Tommy said back, trying too defend the idea of going right now. "IT TAKES 30 MINUTES TO GET THERE TOMMY! COME ON!" Wilbur yelled hoping in his car, and finally calmed down when Tommy got inside. "Thanks Wilbur." Tommy said after a moment silence.

They arrived at the airport a few minutes later, Wilbur stopping and getting out to walk Tommy to his flight. "Call any of us if anything goes wrong! Okay?" Wilbur yelled as Tommy stepped up too get on the plane. "I know!" He yelled back.

"Remember to not trust strangers! Only ask adults if anything is wrong!"

"I'm not trusting some random adult!"

"Hey! I'm an adult and you trust me!"

"That's because we are friends!"

"Ooh pfft you think I'm you're friend?!"

"Oh shut up Wilbur, I'll text all of y'all when we land!" Tommy yelled, going out of sight of Wilbur and stepping into the plane.

Wilbur watched as the plane took off, he still didn't know why Tommy wanted to leave so bad, he still couldn't believe Eret would murder any of his friends. Wilbur walked back to his car, starting it. He drove for awhile when he drove into an empty road and stopped at the light.

Wilbur was singing songs from the radio, he didn't expect anything. Until;

"And one day, I'll be yo-- MRRGHHHHH." Wilbur screamed, as a rag was put over his mouth. "Shh Will, it'll only be a second.." A voice said from behind, Wilbur finally passed out, and slipped down in the driver seat. " I won't hurt you yet my friend, I mean, I believe I already have, when Tubbo went the voice made a silting throat motion with his hand." The voice put Wilbur in the trunk of the car. Taking control of the car, as he sang the rest of the song. Driving off.

~With everyone else~

"Where is he?" Niha asked, worried for Wilbur. "He is going too be okay Nikki!" Darryl said, trying to lighten the mood. "How about we all get some rest alright? I think it'll help." Dream said. "Yeah, good idea." Fundy responded. Everyone walked too their rooms, Nikki stayed on the couch, waiting for Wilbur to open the door so she could not worry anymore.

~Back with Tommy for a bit :)~

"Okay passengers, we are going to turn off the lights, please lower you're brightness on any devices, and any light up items you have, put away. Goodnight everyone!" Said someone over the speaker. Tommy looked out the window, wondering if everyone was okay.


Tommy opened his phone, too see a message from Eret.

(Eret (Traitor))

Eret- [1 attachment]

Tommy pressed the photo too see what it was, his eyes in horror as he did, slowing but surely filling with tears.

Tommy pressed the photo too see what it was, his eyes in horror as he did, slowing but surely filling with tears

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Tommy gasped and saved the picture.


Eret-Dont you understand Tommy? Anyone who gets in my way wont go home.

Tommy-howd you know I didn't die..?

Eret-Do you think I'm an idiot? I heard Wilbur talking to you!

Eret-3 down, only 6 too go my friend.

Tommy closed his phone, wiping his tears. He called over staff and asked for a coke, he opened it, only too take a sip before putting it away.

Tommy sat on the plane trying to fall asleep, it was hard. Life was hard for him, everything that happened. Eret..fucking bastard, at least he can't kill me..wait WAIT. Tommy thought, gasping. He quickly texted everyone the photo and told them to get out of there, and too not ask questions.

The responses;


George- Omg, what the hell.


Nikki- Wilbur, no..

Sapnap-Omfg, wth where even are you, where is wilbur?


Zak-omfg what the hell..Tommy what's going on? What's happening? ANSWER Please.

Tommy responded to them all with four words; "Get away from Eret."

Tommy cried silently hoping his planned worked.


New message from Eret.

Tommy pressed the message, only to scream silently covering his mouth, causing more tears to run down.

Hehe cliff hanger go brrrrr,

Thank you for reading! :) Its kinda short, but oh well! I'm busy working on the designs for the new book, so this may take away too write. <3 thank you again! ( ꈍᴗꈍ)

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