Chapter 3; What is happening to me?

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"Now Tommy, we want you too tell us exactly what you're hearing. We want too help you move on, alright?" Fundy said, putting his hand on Tommy's shoulder, only to get pushed away.
"I told you what I heard!" Tommy snapped back walking back from the 3. He looked scared, did he see something? He wasn't looking at his friends, he looked past them. "Tubbo, isn't alive Tommy. You have to admit that." Eret said, starring at Tommy. Something seemed wrong about Eret, he looked sinister. "NO! Tubbo is alive he is right there! Don't you see him as well?!" Tommy yelled pointing by the entrance of the living room. Everyone looked more worried for Tommy. They tried to get closer but only for Tommy to start too panic, they thought he was scared of them, but he was scared of what was "happening" behind them. A figure he saw, just murdered..Tubbo. Tommy saw what happened, was Tubbo there, not really though? Was Tubbo doing this to try and tell them who did that to him.



"Tommy, calm."


Tommy and Wilbur had a small fight until, "Tubbo wouldn't like how you'd be acting right now." Wilbur said his finger pointing on Tommy chest, as he almost looked like he was staring daggers into the boy. Tommy teared up, and pushed Wilbur away. "Tommy, I didn't mean too.." Wilbur tried to explain. "Just shut the fuck up! Both of you." Eret yelled.

~Wilbur's POV~

I just closed my mouth, I didn't mean to hurt Tommy. I was just..ugh, I'm such a idiot. "Well, I believe me and Niha should be heading back to our home now. Tommy, you're going to be staying with us alright." I said, looking at Tommy, and everyone else. "Fine." I hear Tommy say under his breath. I go to get Niha, and we all three head to my home. "So! Tommy, how are you?" Niha asked looking in the backseat. Tommy didn't say anything. I'm worried for him, he wasn't been acting the same. What did he see? What is he hearing? This is all insane. What he said on twitter, this is really breaking him.

~3rd person POV~

The three arrived at Wilbur's home. Tommy went straight to a guest room and shut the door, he pulled out his phone and recorded a small vlog to put on his channel.

"Hey guys, I won't be..posting as much, alright?" Posted.

Comments flooded in, which comforted Tommy. He just laid down on his bed, remembering everything fun him and Tubbo would do, cause wars, sell drugs on the SMP, joke around, steal, try and kill everything and everyone in the server. He laughed and just put his phone down when Wilbur came in. "Hey Tommy, my whole chat is worried, you mind coming on my stream for a bit?" He asked. "Sure." Tommy said.

"Hey guys." Tommy said, the chat saying Hi, but also asking a billion questions. Tommy looked horrible at that moment, puffy eyes, bags under them, messy hair. He just said he was alright, and told the stream to focuse on Wilbur. Everyone knew Tommy didn't do that, he never acted like that.

~ The next day~

Tommy and Wilbur both got onto a stream with Dream streaming, they all played party games. Ever since Tubbo died, Tommy seemed to be very tired, and always sad, never cracking a smile, only when he talked about the things him and Tubbo used to do.

"TOMMY PLEASE!" Screamed Skeppy, or known as Zak. Tommy stopped, and left the game, still on the VC, "Ay, Tommy why'd you leave? Fundy asked. "I just realized I need to go, sorry." Tommy said, leaving the chat.

Tommy put on a coat and left through the door, before Niha said, "Tommy, be safe if you're going outside, it's dark out!"

Tommy just ignored everything he heard, and just left too take a walk. He looked out too see where him and Tubbo first met. He smiled, his best friend. Tommy tried to think of whoever could have killed Tubbo, "Robber? No..parents!? No no, they loved Tubbo! AHH. THIS IS SO.." Tommy was cut off. "Frustrating?" He heard someone say from behind, his eyes widened when he saw who it was. "Eret?" Tommy said, looking at something Eret had in his hand. "Damn right, this is frustrating to keep you quiet. If you don't stop crying, over you're friend, I won't hesitate." Eret said, pointing the weapon at Tommy. "How could you Eret.." Tommy said, tearful. "Ha! Exactly what Tubbo said in the war when I.. betrayed you guys. Oh fun times!" Eret said laughing. His smile and laugh, didnt sound right, it sounded evil. It looked evil, it looked..


Tommy ran back to Wilbur's home, running into the door head first, causing Wilbur to jump. "What the fuck?!" He yelled. "What?" Sapnap asked. "Someone just banged on my door, give me a seco-" Wilbur was.cut off with Tommy bursting through his office door, almost on the bridge of tears. Wilbur gasped at his friend, "Tommy?" Wilbur said, quite loudly. "I KNOW WHO KILLED TUBBO, I KNOW." Tommy yelled, he didn't care he was risking his life, he would get Justice for his friend. Even if it meant getting himself killed. "WHO?!" Everyone yelled in there mics, as well as Wilbur. "IT WAS, it was.." Tommy panted, running all the way back almost made him pass out. "It was Eret." He said, not loud enough for the others to hear, only Wilbur heard. Wilbur's eyes widdened. "Hold on guys, I need to talk to Tommy." Wilbur said.

"Tommy, this isn't funny. Eret wouldn't do that, this is real life. If you're talking about in game." Wilbur said, in a very serious tone. "IM NOT LYING, OR JOKING!" Yelled Tommy. "Tommy, stop. You're only 16. Let the police handle it." Wilbur responded crossing his arms. "I..I.." Tommy didn't know what to say. "I forgive you Tommy, but let the adults handle it alright?" Wilbur said.

Let the adults handle it,

Let the adults handle it,

Let the adults handle it,

That phrase haunted Tommy's head as he walked back to the room he was staying in. He got a text from Eret.


Eret- lol ok  (1 week ago)

Tommy- lol (1 week ago)

Eret- I won't do anything yet. Don't try that again, I know exactly what you want to do, you won't. Next time all of us meet up, you should try and stay with the others. (Now)

What he gonna. Tommy was scared, all he wanted to do was for everything to go back the way it was. Him and Tubbo trying to murder dream on the SMP, joking with each other, and just having fun. Tommy cried, knowing that it won't go back like that

Never again...

THANK YOU FOR READING! :] I had to write this during class so, I tried to listen and do it as well, hope you enjoyed! I'm trying to make more longer chapters, thank you again for reading or voting! <3

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