Chapter 11; Down with Eret. (Good ending)

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Dream stared directly into Eret's eyes, nothing but pure evil. Eret pulled up his hand, and pointed his weapon right at Dream, dream didn't even move, he still stood infront of his friend. He wouldn't stop till his friends were let go. "You let them go Eret." Dream said stubbornly. "Why should I?" Eret said, mockingly, mouthing with his hands after "Let them to Eret! There my friends blah blah." Eret mocked, smiling. "Dream don't do this.." George said, getting up to beg his friend. "SIT DOWN." Eret screamed, stopping aftering hearing a knock. "If anyone of you guys move, you all are dead, even if I run out of bullets." Eret said quietly putting his gun in his back pocket and walking towards the door. Eret gulped, when he saw something through the peep hole. "Sir, open this door right now!" A loud voice said, pounding on the door. Eret stared at George, "You, fucking.. bastard." He wispered  walking towards him. Eret lifted the brunette up, George chuckled. Eret threw him on the ground.

Now, before we continue, I will like too do something different TWO DIFFERENT ENDINGS FOR YOU GUYS! :DD This'll be the good ending. After I release this one I'll start on the bad ending. >:)))

"Eret, you may be smart, but even you didn't think ahead." George chuckled. Darryl stood up and tried to help George up, only managing to pull him back. Eret walked closer too them both. "Say Hi to Tubbo for m-" Eret was cut off.

Dream tackled Eret pinning him to the ground. "What the hell, are you guys look at? GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE." Dream yelled, "GET OFF ME!" Eret said back. Nikki was untied and they all ran outside, Dream staying inside to watch Eret be put in handcuffs.

I really did trust you Eret. I really did. Dream thought walking outside with the rest of his friends, who were all being questioned. "I don't know..I don't." Darryl studdered. "He doesn't know, let him go." Zak said, putting him hand on the sobbing man. Nikki kept asking were Wilbur was, only getting shrugged off. "DREAM!" Sapnap and George yelled running towards their friend to hug him, nearly choking him! "Stop you guys, or you guys be taken for a murder as well." Dream chuckled, before looking at the ground, pulling out his phone.

~With Tommy(Aka child)~

Tommy sat their, happy for what he did. Early that day, Tommy had asked the police that worked by there, too go there and give the mail undercover. A smart plan he thought. Tommy was cuted off by his thoughts when he heard his cell phone ring.

"Hello?" He answered.

"Hey kid." A voice said from the other side.

"DREAM, OH MY FUCKING GOD, YOU GUYS ARE OKAY RIGHT? RIGHT..? WHERES WILBUR? IS HE WITH YOU?" Tommy questioned, tighting the grip he had on his phone.

"Calm down, we are alright. We don't know where Wilbur is, he's gone. Not dead, just..gone." Dream said, his voice cracking a tiny bit.

"Is that Tommy?" Fundy asked running over to Dream. "TOMMY, YOU WONT BELIEVE WHAT HAP-" Fundy was cut off from Dream grabbing his phone back.

"Anyways, we don't know where he i-"


"Hello?" Dream said, seeing that Tommy hanged up.

Tommy sat there in his room, staring at the floor. He just started getting over Tubbo, now this? Now Wilbur?

Tommy sat sobbing curling into a ball on his bed and crying, he looked up to check twitter.

Random640 ( @ random640 )
"Did anyone read the news? Eret was arrested!"

Idkanameimbadatnaming ( @ name )

"What's going on..?"

Tommy sighed and typed out his reply to everyone, trying not to just throw his phone across his room and never use it again.

"Hi everyone, you must be confused, let's start from the beginning. My best friend, Tubbo, was murdered a about 4 weeks ago. The murderer was someone close, I was threatened and so was everyone else. Please do not, ask anymore questions, hate comments will be blocked."


Tommy sent it, it felt that right went he sent it, he felt free. He felt like everything that happened, just didn't. Tommy sighed and open his laptop onto discord, he removed Eret from everything, discord, messaging, everything. What Tommy did made him feel like everything was normal, it wasn't he still grived over Tubbo, and still had nightmares about what happened, but it was over. Eret isn't going to hurt him, and Tubbo could finally rest in peace. He didn't know why Eret did it.

~A few weeks later~

Tommy didn't tell anyone what he did,   he didn't want the spotlight at the time. He didn't want anything but too just live normally. He joinned the SMP too a surprise. Everyone was one, all at Tubbo memorial, Tommy walked inside and crouched on a "seat". He joinned the voice channel, and laughed. Just like old times..

Just like old times, my friend.

Hehe story good ending go brrr, now I'm gonna make y'all sad with the bad ending lmao. Thank you for reading this series. :) I hope it turned out good, probably a little cringy but hey I'm still new to writing so.. yeah! Also 1k reads? Wtf 👉👈 thank you all. <3 love you guys gals, and non-binary pals. ❤️(◍•ᴗ•◍)✧*。

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