Desirae Gillespie

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Desirae Gillespie- African American (mother); Irish American (father); Desirae is the identical twin sister of Danielle Gillespie and the younger sister of her high school-aged brother Isaiah, who is 3 years older than her. While she has a nearly identical appearance to Danielle's, with green eyes, strawberry blonde hair that reaches her upper back and falls in tight corkscrew curls, full lips, and a tanned, light brown skin tone, their personalities tend to differ. She shows her feminine streak through her fondness of wearing hair accessories and everything pink, along with her girly clothing choices, whereas Danielle could be classified as a tomboy, as evidenced by her interest in playing contact sports alongside her male classmates and disregard for more stereotypical female behavior. She pretended to be the host of a surreal television program called "Miss Desirae's Fun Time TV Hour" where she took part in performing comedic bits to her small audience of mermaid children. Desirae's dream job is to be the chief executive officer (CEO) or, at the very least, the co-CEO of a major corporation, and she is extremely social and extraverted, constantly seeking and wanting to maintain the company of others. She enjoys being complimented and often desires to be the center of attention, becoming increasingly fussy and temperamental when neither is granted. She is also incredibly active and flighty, wanting constant stimulation and having trouble following through with her commitments. Although generally well-intentioned, she can unknowingly offend her friends and loved ones by ignoring them for another person or thing that seems to offer more excitement. Desirae is very bubbly, effervescent, and perky and desires not to be regarded as a child, but as a young adult. 

She tires of the simple, quieter life of Long Island and often yearns for the vigor and more exciting offerings of the big city as she complains of boredom with her neighborhood's monotony. Strong-willed and hardheaded, she becomes quite desperate and impatient when wanting to meet a goal and often quarrels with her older brother Isaiah. She tries to serve as an authority figure over her whenever she is being babysat by him, despite the two having an otherwise close relationship. Frustrated with the limited things she is able to do as a teenager, Desirae constantly claims that she wants to live life on her own the moment she turns eighteen, to her mother's disapproval, and thinks people are "just too clingy and sensitive". Despite her whininess, she is quite competent and independent for her age, able to complete numerous household tasks on her own and be self-sufficient when she needs to be. Although she is friendly with many of her peers, can sometimes appear frivolous and arrogant however and embody a bit of a sense of superiority over others, making some individuals perceive her as being snooty and pompous. She can also be very dramatic, forceful, and bossy and has occasionally shown herself to be fickle and a fair-weather friend. Desirae is not above using her cuteness to get what she wants, as she will often regress into "baby talk" and proceed to bat her eyelashes at those around her. She tends to be a bit of a spoiled brat and usually mocks and replies sarcastically to her classmates by calling them nicknames when annoyed. She is nevertheless loyal to her family and cares deeply for her closest friends, whom she will fiercely defend should anyone try to bother or provoke them. 

This is shown when she readily comes to her twin sister's defense and tries to get her help with her situation with a suspected sexual predator, their former English and Journalism teacher Mr. Anderson. Desirae is generally less academically inclined than Danielle and cares excessively about boys, looks, and fashion. She once participated in a beauty pageant back in elementary school, but failed to place highly in the contest due to answering some questions with limited substance, making her upset. She can still prove to be very driven and intelligent when she needs to be, particularly when trying to achieve a goal or gain. She is considered somewhat of a genius, as despite her mediocre grades in her classes, it was revealed she achieved a perfect score on a standardized test administered to the students in her grade level, surpassing even her sister Danielle. It is hinted that Desirae's below average school performance is due to her apathy and disinterest in her schoolwork in preference for more trivial pursuits and that she would excel academically if she put more effort into her studies. She is also a talented artist and tends to be very proud of her achievements, being exceptionally good at drawing and painting with dreams of pursuing fashion design in the future. She is slightly more popular than her twin and tends to be more socially aware and less naïve than her Desirae's, whom in her desire to trust people too readily can be placed in compromising situations. She can be very direct and is astute in assessing situations, meanwhile Danielle tends to be more much more weak-willed and impressionable. The twins are still close with one another, as well as their musical older brother Isaiah and complement one another's personalities in several ways. 

They have their own separate group of friends however, as Desirae is currently close friends with an equally fun-loving and boy-crazy female student named Noona Buckley. She tends to hang out with the more popular girls despite having a rivalry with them, but will sometimes misinterpret things said about her as criticism and then proceed to leave the room. She has also tried out for the school's cheerleading squad in the past but proved not to have the skills needed to make the team. Desirae similarly is often teased or mocked for her tendency to appear "desperate", particularly in the pursuit of love, which can often serve as a bit of a turn off for some of her male peers who claim she is too forceful and persistent. She has had an ongoing infatuation with Trevor Powers, the local football star at the middle school, despite his disinterest in her, but has also had an unrequited attraction in the past to her popular and handsome black classmate, Peter Essien. She likes girl group hits and has also been known to chase celebrities, most notably having a recurring obsession with the actor Timothee Chalamet. She eventually enters relationship with her African American classmate Reggie Cox after he courts and falls in love with her during college however, claiming that "sometimes you meet the right person at the wrong time, and don't even realize it until you're grown enough to understand." Desirae and Danielle plan out a double wedding in the future with Reggie and Damien Fraser as their respective grooms. She becomes a merchandising manager for a small company in Boston, meanwhile Reggie pursues a career as a P.E. teacher at an elementary school. ESFP 3w2

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