4: Go!

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Changes to the world were obvious, they brought confusion and humour among all twenty-four hermits.
Well, almost all of them, Xisuma seemed tense when near the portals. Why he didn't know what was going on inside himself for him to be nervous around them. It almost felt like a strong sense of deja-vu and not the good kind either. The weather portals were now a hot pink, the sound that came from them had disappeared only to be replaced by an almost silent sound of what could only be described as strong wind echoing in a grand hall. The end portal was now empty, the eyes of ender seemingly vanished without any warning, the mysterious yet enchanting look of the portal was gone. A new aura filled the air, it wasn't nice nor friendly. Quite the opposite to the leather ones. Not many of the hermits had had the time or needed to go to the end so the unsettling feeling of the area had not yet affected them.


A few days had past

Grian and Mumbo must of, at some point before X, come across the odd end portal. They both seemed to be acting a little different, distinct you could say. Maybe it was because the black-haired Redstone was not mayor, that seemed too out of character for either of them. Grian had become a bit more contentious and came off as being agitated whenever someone had tried to talk to him. Scar was the first to notice this odd behaviour but just brushed it off as being bitter. Sour for Mumbo not winning but that left a foul taste in his mouth so he completely forgot about his encounter with the blonde prankster, for his sake.


Grian shook his head, he had been feeling rather light-headed lately and seemed to be getting tired quicker. Day turned night a lot faster as well.
"How is it so late?" He questioned, putting his communicator away. Three hours had passed since he had got back from the shopping district and he managed to do absolutely nothing except stare into nothingness. It was late but not late enough to sleep so Grian decided to try and remove the snow from his dark turquoise coloured roof. "Now to find string..." He thought out loud not having a clue as to where any was. He checked a few chests until he decided to check his ender chest. At this point his chest was just a rubbish bin, he seemed to have the most randomness of things in there.

He walked over to the ender chest. He stretches his wings before remembering his right one was injured. He gasped a little at the pain but regained his composure, trying to ignore the tingling sting. He opened the chest slowly, his left hand by his side, fingers crossed. Stepping a little back, "wha-," his eyebrows furrowed in disappointment and puzzlement. There was no string but instead a sign,  an acacia one, which read in blue ink


Ooooooh I wonder what that means :P. Guess you're not gonna know until the next chapter

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