1-How You Meet

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1-How You Meet
Y/N- Your Name
Y/F/N- Your Friends Name
Y/E/C- Your Eye Color

Harry: You finished up the last drink of the massive order that you were put in charge of. Working at Starbucks was not exactly the job you wanted, but you couldn't complain; the pay was much better than you expected. You brought the six drinks to the counter to have their name called for the customer to retrieve.

"Styles!" You called out to the line of waiting customers. Soon, a handsome, brunette boy with curly hair walked over to the counter.

"Did you just call out Styles?" He asked you.

"Yea," you replied, slightly unsure of the response he was looking for.

"Thanks. When do you get off? I'd love to get to know you since I see you almost everyday," he said. You thought about it, you did see him quite frequently. He came in very often with the same order. You were very curious to know the reason for always having such a large order.

"I get out in a few minutes. If you wait, I could help you out carrying those drinks," you told him.

"Great. I'll see you in a few, yea?" He responded. You nodded, with a smile on your face. You had been wanting to get to know this boy since the first time he came in, and now you finally could.

Louis: You hurried as quickly as you could to try and catch up your friend who decided that it was great idea to race around the streets of London in the middle of January. You felt your phone vibrate in your pocket and without thinking, you looked down to grab it out of your jeans. Just as you looked down you felt another body collide into yours, causing you to fall flat on your bum.

"Ow," you winced, before moving slightly to see who you had banged into.

"I'm so sorry love, I didn't see you comin'," a soothing British accent told you.

"No, it's my fault," you replied, looking up into the strangers sea green eyes before quickly looking down, blushing.

"I'm Louis, by the way," the tall boy told you. You grabbed his extended hand, and pulled yourself up.

"Y/N," you told him.

"Beautiful name," he said to you, as you blushed and looked down, muttering a small 'thanks' in reply.

"Where are you going in such a hurry?" He questioned. You studied his face, looking to see if he was being genuine or was just planning to stalk you.

"My friend and I were on the way to a movie and she decided that it was just a great and brilliant idea to race around London at 10:00 at night in the middle of January. I was chasing her and then my phone went off... and then... I banged into you..." you replied. He nodded his head at your words. Then, you saw his eyes light up with an idea.

"Why don't I help you look for your friend, and then the three of us could grab a bite and hang out after. I feel that it is my responsibility to properly know the beautiful girl that I banged into. What do ya say?" He asked. Thinking about the excitement on
Y/F/N's face when she saw you brought company was worth giving him a nod. He gave you a bright smile.

"Oh, wait! Give me one second," you told him. He nodded in response. You quickly checked your phone, seeing the text from your friend.

Y/F/N: Meet me at the diner around the corner ;)
You chuckled at the message and gave Louis a wave, and led him in the direction of the diner.

Niall: You walked into you and your friend's favorite restaurant, heading straight to the direction of your usual booth. You bopped your head along to your music, taking out your earbuds one at a time as you approached the seat. But before you could sit down, you felt someone tap you on the shoulder. Turning around and thinking it was your friend, you giggled at the lame attempt at a joke. You were not expecting to be met with a bright blue pair of eyes looking right into your Y/E/C ones.

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