Chapter 25 : Leaving

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"Okay!" Dr. Wendell clapped his hands while smiling at me. "You're in perfect health and ready to go back home. You can sign out tomorrow if you'd like but you will need to come back for physical therapy on your leg."

I nodded and smiled up at him, "Thank you and I'll be signing out tomorrow, thank you again."

"Your welcome, come and see me before you leave so we can work out dates for your physical therapy." I nodded and watched him leave. Once he was out the door I let out a deep breath.

I looked at the empty bed on my left and sighed while rubbing my shoulder. I've been following Lynn's amazingly stupid advice and acting like it hasn't even happened the only way I know how, by ignoring Bennett since the whole 'I love you fist bump' thing happened. It's worked so far since he hasn't even tried to talk to me, all he does is smile at me and shake his head. Though on occasion he'll surprise me by kissing me and then act like he was just walking to his bed the whole time!

He's infuriating! Irritating! Gorgeous! Annoying! Cute! He's annoyingly cute and I can't take it!

Calming myself down I close my eyes and pull the blanket over my head. He's taking his daily walk with Declan right now, Jordan was here earlier but left to go to his afternoon class. I had been so wrapped up in being here I had started forgetting what day it was, it's Tuesday by the way.

Since I'm basically better I guess I can start going back to school in a few days. I feel both sad and happy at that fact. Maybe it's because I've spent everyday with all of them at some point and it brought me back to high school days when we hung out or saw each other everyday. I miss being with them all the time, when college started we spent less time with each other (especially with the whole Jordan drama) and whenever we were all home someone was asleep or tired or busy ignoring me.

It's bittersweet really.

I don't want it to stay like this all the time because when they weren't there I made more friends and had a different type of fun but I also want to stay in the bubble a little longer.

"Stop being so grumpy." The monotone voice let me know Bennett was back.

"I'm not grumpy! I just think Jordan shouldn't have a pink porcelain doll in the corner of his room facing the door."

I sat up making the blanket pool at my waist. I gave Declan an 'are you kidding me face' before busting out laughing. That was Jordan for ya. "When did he get that?"

Declan chuckled, leaving Bennett to walk to his bed by himself and sat down on the chair next to my bed. "A couple days ago but I didn't see it until last night when I tried to take back one of my shirts he stole, I had opened the door and freaked, thinking there was a little girl staring at me creepily."

"Did you get your shirt back?" I looked at Bennett as he spoke then looked back at Declan.

He looked sad before shaking his head, "No, I was too freaked out." He muttered looking down. I nodded while patting his shoulder sympathetically. "Stop doing that."

"Fine." I pulled my hand away giving him a dirty look.

"Sorry." I nodded but kept my hand to myself.

"Is Jordan-"

"-the coolest person in the world? That would be a yes!" Speak of the devil and he shall appear. Jordan bounced over to my bed and hopped in beside me, making me scoot over. "Did you miss me Chip?" He smiled down at me.

"Chip?" We all questioned in unison excluding Jordan.

He nodded wrapping an arm around me and threading his fingers through mine so naturally I almost didn't realize what he did. "Because she's full of secret information like a computer chip in spy movies, also chips are delicious, duh!" I wanted to facepalm myself and cover my whole face at the same time. Before I knew it my face was on fire and I had tucked my face into Jordan's chest.

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