Chapter 48 Bright

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Tharn's POV

"Come with me." I asked Type.

"Babe, can I not go with you today? I'm still sleepy." Type yawned. I kissed him on his cheek.

"How about before lunch, baby? Please." I'm drained today, but they need my signatures, and I have an appointment this morning. I need him as my energy booster.

"Okay, babe. I will be there before lunch. Tell Joong before you leave. I need to sleep more." I kissed his forehead and took a shower.

"I can't wait for our wedding, baby. How about in the US? UK? France?Netherlands? Where do you want? "  I asked him excitedly while I was changing clothes.

"About that. Let's talk about that later, babe. Anywhere you want. I want the ceremony here, though."

Why do I feel so excited when we were already like a married couple even before?

"Okay, baby. I'm going to work with Joong. Go with Benj later."

"Babe, swap please. Benj is boring." He told me.

"Why, baby? Tell me, is Joong entertaining you?"

"I mean, Benj does not talk." He added.

"That's why I preferred him to come with you. End of discussion. Bye, baby. See you later."

TK Corp.

Everyone seems to be happy for us. Today is a perfect day. Hopefully, no one will try to ruin this.

"What's my schedule with Mr. Chivaaree?" I asked my secretary.

"11, sir."

"Cancel the appointment if he's not here before 11:15. I'm going to have lunch with Type." I don't want Type to wait for me.

I've been busy reading documents. I heard a knock. Mr. Chivaaree entered with a young man. Maybe the younger guy is the same age as my Type.

"Good morning, Mr. Kirigun. By the way, I came with my son Bright. I don't know what's with him today. He wants to learn the business and asked me to bring him here. I hope you don't mind." Mr. Chivaaree told me as if I had a choice.

"No problem. Let's just talk straight to the point." We are just talking about business. I can't help but get distracted by his son. He seems to be looking or waiting for someone.

I heard the alert buzzer. Type must be here already.

Few minutes and the door opened.

"Sorry I didn't knock, babe. They didn't inform me you're in a meeting." He walked toward me and kissed me on my lips.

"No problem, baby. This will not take long."

"I'll just rest there." Type responded. I wonder why the son of Mr. Chivaaree keeps on staring at my wife. He is annoying me.

"Dude." Is he calling my Type dude?

He was about to turn his head when he saw me glaring at him.

"Go inside, baby." He followed me, but before he could enter, this guy caught his attention again.

"Thiwat." He turned his head right this time after hearing that name.

"Bright." He called the guy.

"Baby!" I warned.

He entered the room before this Bright could talk to him.

"Send me the copy. I'll review all the details later. Thank you. See you again." I need this meeting to end.

KS1- Possessive Tharn ✔ (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now