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Tharn's POV

"Babe, let me borrow your phone. I'll call Bright." I handed him my phone.

"Just thank him, okay?" I told him.

He dialed it and put it on speaker.

"Is this the legit royal chair by the playboy prince? Because if it is then fuck you.Hahaha"

"Don't worry its brand new and just a replica. I joined the auction, and many men are bidding for that. Of course, I love winning so I bid the amount for more than you can imagine. That's for you. Ayt?" Bright keeps on laughing too.

"Thanks. Tharn loves it." He looked at me laughing. "Right, babe?"

"No. But thanks. Type is curious and very much excited to use it." I said and Type blushed.

"Bye now, Bright. Thanks."

"Haha. Have fun there, couple."

Type hangs up the phone.

I see him moving that chair on the corner. I was confused by his action.

"For display only, babe. This cost a lot."

"And? We can afford a lot of that. Are you shy to use it?" I teased him because he is surely blushing.

"Stop it." Hardheaded still.

I just pulled him to sit on my lap facing me.

"It's been a month, baby. Can you do the honor of pleasuring me today? I miss you so much. I think I waited more than enough. Please..."

And just by that he grinds on my lap making me so rock hard. I kissed him hungrily and made love with him over and over.

I will never exchange his love for anything in this world.

Five years later..

Five years after and we had three kids already. We've made it through surrogacy. Our fraternal twins are genetically related to both of us by the help of science. We made it possible by the help of multiple doctors. They used both mine and Type's sperm for it. We are very much thankful to our gestational carrier and egg donor too. We really paid a handsome sum of money for it.

"Baby, wake up! The twins keep on fighting." He yawned again.

"You told me you'll let me sleep more today. You didn't let me sleep last night. You can do it, babe." He closed his eyes again.

I think I have no choice. My twins are turning four, 3months from now. We named them Gulf and Gab. They always fight each other arguing who should be the older brother. Gulf is older, but my Gab keeps on insisting that he is, and we just let him believe on what he wants to believe. Gulf sometimes allows him to act as the older brother, but I don't know what happened again today because no one is answering me.

I promised Type that I'll let him sleep until noon in exchange for another round last night.

"Silence." I yelled and both guys stood up straight.

I got shocked when someone squeezed my butt. What the hell?I saw my wife standing behind me. "I told you not to yell at them,babe."

"What happened here, Gulf?" He ran to Type and hugged him.

"Mama, I don't want to be his brother anymore." He told his mama and cried.

"But why? He is your twin." I told him.

"He said I am stupid, and I can't be the older brother." He patted our son's back gently.
"Gab! Apologize!" He ordered our other son.

"He really is mama. Look at these papers. Thea gave us a quiz and compare our answers. He got 8 out of 20 while I got everything right."

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