Chapter 20 Type is missing

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Type's POV

This has been our routine for two weeks now. I'll come with Tharn to his office every day and stay in the mini room. I kept myself busy by shopping online, thanks to my hubby's card.

Babe never complained. Even the lobby area is always busy receiving my deliveries. This is what happens to a bored person.

He slightly changed somehow. There are some nights when he joins our drinking session with Joong and Benj, but he never forgot to hold me tightly as if someone would snatch me away from him. Benj and Joong are both straight, or I don't know if the two are in a relationship.

We are currently in our room. We just made love for the third time this day.

"Babe, I remember I never gave you a ring." He told me while grabbing a velvet box inside our bedside table.

"Does it matter? I can always buy using your money."

"But this one is special. I even engraved our initials here. This is to promise you that I will never love anyone in this lifetime or the next beside you. It will only be you, my love." He is being extra sweet.

I checked the ring, the design is infinity with the initials T&T.

"What if I die?"

"Please don't say that. You'll never die before me." Oh, my poor baby.

"No. If I die, please continue living. I'll guide you. That will make me happy." I sincerely said. I will be sad leaving him alone in this world. I know how he would feel. It pains me to think.

"I won't let you die. I love you, babe. Please don't ever leave me."

"I promise, and if it happens that I am lost, I will find a way to be with you again. Don't worry, babe. Let's sleep now."

We need to sleep early because tomorrow will be an exciting day for me. I've been waiting for this for two weeks because he promised me this trip.

I woke up early to pack our things. We will be leaving in a few hours. The trip will be five hours travel by land. I cannot wait, so I wake him up also.

"Wake up, babe."

"It's too early" He talked without opening his eyes and covered himself with a pillow.

I can't hide my excitement while traveling. He asked me to sleep on the way, but I just couldn't.

I was amazed by how beautiful the private resort owned by Tharn was. I wonder why he never brings me here.

Tharn, Joong, Benj, the other four guards he tagged along, and I rest for a while. We'll be swimming late in the afternoon because of too much heat.

"Are you that happy?" He asked.

"Of course. Can we do this often?"

"Anything my baby wants."

After swimming for hours, we decided to have fun by drinking.
We are fully loaded with booze and food.
Almost all of them are drunk already.

Tharn is tipsy too. I asked him to sleep on the couch first because I was not done yet. There's no way he will sleep in our room without me.

"Type, we run out of ice. I'll buy it with Benj."
Joong asked me, and I told them to make it quick because I wanted to drink more.

It's been an hour since the two left. I wonder what happened. There's a highway outside this resort and a nearby convenience store.

I decided to follow them outside. Where the hell have they been?

I was walking alone when I heard a loud "beep".

Tharn's POV

"Repeat it," I yelled at them.

"We can't find him, Boss," the two replied in chorus.

Damn it. I became conscious when I heard them screaming.

"What do you mean? I'm going to kill you all. Search the place.. never show your ass in front of me without him."

My whole body is trembling. Tell me this is not happening.

It's been two hours since I heard from them. No one has returned yet.

I am busy calling all my contacts to search for him.

I felt like I was being stabbed repeatedly in my chest.

I searched the whole resort and flipped every room we had here.

Where are you, babe? Please come back.

This is killing me.

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