Chapter 42 mine mine mine

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Tharn's POV

It was already late in the afternoon when we decided to hang out in the pool area.

I'm just shaking my head seeing Type teasing OUR daughter again. He is still childish, but I know how much he loves Thea.

That day when the result was about to be released, I saw how nervous he was. He told me that he wants Thea to be his child because of the connection he felt with he. He is just scared of how I would feel. I will accept anything about Type. I made a promise to him. I am not expecting aside from being faithful to me.

Thea loves me very much, and I love her as well. This little girl is charming and adorable, and I'm going to protect her with my life.

"I told you not to call me mama. Now, what's my name again?" Type asked her.


I heard him laughing loudly.

"Only your dad can call me that. Not that one as well. How about calling me handsome? Now, what is my name again?"
Thea just smiled and called him "beybi" again. Maybe she was used to hear me calling Type baby. That's why she thought it was his name.

No one will notice that Type is the real dad of Thea. Look at them. They look like siblings who love to tease each other.

"Baby, come here."

Type walked towards me.

"Why, babe?"

"Let's just order food tonight, okay? what do you want?" I asked him.

"Just pizza and beers for me later. "

"Beers? Sounds good."

He winked at me. Sexy.

"Hey Bal.." He didn't even finish his words when I glared at him. He's going to call our daughter baldy again.

"Thea." He called her. "Do you want to go shopping tomorrow?"
My daughter just stared at him. She doesn't understand him. "Hey, say YES. I'm going to buy you toys."

"Yeees." This little girl answered.

"Did you hear that, babe? Can we go shopping tomorrow? Thea wants to go as well." He's using Thea again, so I can allow him.

"Baby, tomorrow is our company's 6th Founding Anniversary. We need to be there.Let's move it to the day after tomorrow." I told Type.

He just pouted his lips.

"Babe, you should have told me earlier about the anniversary. I don't know what I should wear."

Is he for real? Almost 75% of our walk-in closet space was his stuff, and he tells me he doesn't know what he will wear.

"Baby, you've got plenty of clothes. Just a normal suit will do. Thea has a Gucci dress already. So pick anything for you in our closet. Okay?" I suggested.

Type frowned as he is not pleased with the idea.

"What do you want, baby? You want to go shop for a designer's suit today?" I hate seeing him sad like this

"No, it's late already. You should have just told me so at least I could prepare. Also, it is an important event. Telling me earlier will not harm you. What if I didn't mention the shopping plans tomorrow? Then will you tell it to me in the morning?" He left the pool and entered the house. He must be searching for something to wear right now.

I carried Thea so we can also rest inside.

"Mama is mad again, baby." I told my baby, and I heard her cute giggles.

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