Chapter 58 Curse

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Tharn's POV

"What does Type usually order in that coffee shop again?" I asked my secretary. She usually orders for my wife so I am sure she knows it well. It was almost lunchtime and I need to go home or else Type will nag again.

"Java chip frappe, less syrup, non-dairy almond milk, no whip boss." Oh fuck.

"Can you just write it Sam?" I don't want to ruin his mood by giving him the wrong one.
Sam handed me the note.

I dropped by to order frappe before going home. I forgot to charge my phone again. I hope he is still sleeping.

When I reached home, I called Jane to bring Thea here but one of our guards said she left with Joong.

"Okay." He is still standing in front of me like he wants to say something but cannot open his mouth. "What else?"

"Boss, Sir Type left the house two hours ago." I think I heard it wrong.

"Repeat it, Dome."

"He drove the car himself." How irresponsible, why would he leave our daughter here? Damn it.

I immediately run to Thea's room. Thea is not here as well.

I grabbed his collar again. "Do you want to die? Who permitted you to open the gate for him? Stupid."

"He brought Thea, sir. He s-said it was an e-emer..gency and he already informed you."
This useless guy is stuttering.

"Fuck you! Do you think I care about the emergency? Did you ever see me allowing him to drive and going out alone? Do you want to die?" Worse is my daughter is with him. Fuck it, Type. I never saw him drive.

"Benj, charge this. Right now!" I yelled. He immediately grabbed my phone.

"Who opened the gate for him?"

He just lowered his head.

"It's Third sir." Bunch of idiots.

"Tell him to pack his things. You go with him. I don't wanna see you both here again. Now go!" This will serve as a lesson to them. When I hired them the first task I gave them is to never let Type out without my permission. I hired them for this. Is it too hard?

He bowed his head and left.

I then turned on my phone.

14 messages received.

"Good morning babe."

"Pops called babe and he said there is an emergency. I need to go there. Can you go home a little earlier? Come with me."

"I can't wait. Pops called again."

"Jane and Joong are not here. Can I drive there? where's my license?"

"Found it. I'll bring Thea. I will be careful, promise."

"Babe tell the guards I am going out."

"Pick up Thea here right away. I need to go to my mom."

"Thea is sleeping. Come here."

"Read my messages."

"Babe I really need to go now. This is an emergency babe."

"Pick up the phone babe."

"Don't forget Thea. pick her up."

"Answer the phone fucker."

"Where the hell are you? Text me now."

I immediately call him but no one is answering. Damn it.

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