Chapter 56 wrapped around my finger

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Type's POV

I can say that my plan was really successful. There are so many flaws during the event but I don't care because our feelings are all that matter.

We are just holding hands while Tharn is talking with our Mayor about serious stuff that I don't understand. I can see in his eyes that he was so happy. We are now legally married and no one can separate us from now on. To be honest, no one in my family approved of Tharn. They have issues about my freedom in the house. Actually, it was my concern before too.
But I now understand him because even I want him to be mine alone. Of course, I can't stop him from going out. He needs to earn money for me.

The mayor bids goodbye to us and congratulates us. We just thanked him for officiating our wedding.

"Babe, I am sorry I didn't plan for the honeymoon. I don't want to leave Thea here." I sincerely apologized.

"Baby, there's no need to be sorry about it. You made me the happiest person alive today. Thank you! Thank you." Tharn is showering me with wet kisses while we are still in the garden eating.

We saw Thea walking towards us. I am giggling at the way she walks. She looks like a drunkard. Jane is just following behind her for support.

"Hi, there my baby." Tharn grabbed our daughter and let her sit on his lap.

Bright entered the gate too so I walked toward him to welcome him. He is holding a huge box. He handed me a gift and congratulated me.

"You should have come earlier so we could have a guest," I told him.

"How about them? Did they attend?" Bright is referring to my family. I shook my head. I only told Ohm about my plan and he said he has a prior commitment. I would be happier if they will be supportive of me but having Tharn is already a big blessing.

Tharn was already beside me, wrapping his arm around my waist. He still hates Bright so much.
I saw Bright trying to hold his laugh while witnessing my husband's glares.

"Hey, what is your problem?" I asked Bright.

"I just heard Tharn's soft side." Bright said, giggling. I am confused.
"He said 'please' to me." He laughed again.

I turned my gaze to my husband who sternly stared at Bright. "Babe? Care to share?"

"Why are you here? This is a private gathering. Who invited you?" Tharn changed the topic.

Please don't tell him it was me who invited you. My husband will be mad at me.

"I invited myself. Congratulations." That was close.

Tharn smirked. I am safe. I invited him for lunch since he was already here and Tharn didn't argue about that.

It was already evening when they finished drinking. Tharn joined the session with our guests, well when I say guests I mean with our guards. He drinks with them. I am glad to see how genuine Tharn's happiness is. I just let him be drunk while I'm busy taking care of our daughter. Jane seems to be having fun as well. She is busy flirting with one of our gate guards there.

"Baby, I love you so much." Tharn cupped my cheeks. I asked him to shower because he had enough alcohol in his system already. "This is the best day ever, if I knew the feeling would this be good I would have done this already before."
He is being talkative already. "You look so gorgeous today I wanna claim you right here, right now."
Yes, drunk.

"Yeah, if you say so. Now go upstairs and stop talking."  He needs to shut up. Tharn is blabbing so much.
While he was upstairs, I fed Thea and put her to sleep.

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