Chapter One// Arriving

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(Y/N's POV)

I woke up on the boat that I'd been on for two days, waiting to get to whale island. There, I was going to meet up with my old friend Gon, who I had known when I was six. I had to move away with my dad, but now that I have my hunter's license, I can go wherever I want because I am able to defend myself. (That made barely any sense)

I sat up from my bed and rubbed my eyes. I got up and walked out the door, leading to steps that I had to walk up to get to the deck. I looked ahead and there it was, whale island. The place I had lived at for 10 years, before moving away.

I immediately got excited and busted out with joy, jumping around and squealing. I ran up to the deck and smiled proudly, as if I was an anime character staring out into the distance.

As we grew closer, I decided to gather up my stuff and change out of my pjs. I put all of my clothes and supplies I needed into my bag and slung it over my shoulder. I put my boots on and walked back out to the deck.

We had gotten even closer. We finally reached the dock and as soon as we did I ran down the ramp really fast and flew towards the direction of Gon's and Mito's house.

As I got closer, I couldnt stop smiling. I was giggling a little and slowed down my pace. I look a deep breath and calmed down, also calming my expression. Instead of running, I slowed down and jogged until I reached the path that leads to his house.

That's when I started running. I finally reached the door and knocked on it. I smiled really wide and waited there for a few seconds before I heard a, "I'll get it!" Then a few running footsteps close behind the door.

I boy with white hair opened the door and had a surprised expression on his face. My smile also turned into a confused face, because I was wondering who the heck this was.

"Who is it, Killu-" Gon ran towards the door and looked at me. "(Y/N)!?" Gon exclaimed.

"Mmmhmmm," I hummed with a smile. "(Y/NNNNN)!!!" Gon ran forwards and gave me a jump hug, pushing me back a little. I caught myself with my foot and hugged him back tightly, my smile growing bigger and I squished my cheek against his shoulder.

We pulled back and looked at each other. "I missed you, (Y/N)!!" Gon told me, smiling wide.

I giggled a bit, closing my eyes. "I missed you too, Gon," I said.

I looked behind Gon and saw the white haired boy that answered the door, with an even more confused face than when I opened the door.

I walked over to him and introduced myself. "Hi, I'm (Y/N). I like your hair," I said looking at his hair.

"I'm Killua, a-and thank you. It's nice to meet you," he said looking down with a little blush on his face. (Shy boi when it comes to compliments)

"It's nice to meet you too, Killua," I said, and smiled wondering why he wasn't looking me in the eye.

"Ooookay, now that we all know each other why don't we get food from Mito-San and get to know eachother better, maybe catch up on stuff we missed," Gon said, standing between us.

Killua looked at him and nodded. "Okayyyy," I said, and walked inside. I took my shoes off and left my socks on. I watched as Killua and Gon took off their shoes and walked towards me.

"MITO-SAAAAAANN!!! CAN WE HAVE SOME FOOD!? ALSO WE HAVE A GUEST HERE!" Gon shouted, cupping his mouth to make him louder.

"Of course honey. Who's the new g- (Y/N)!! Its been so long!!" Mito said, walking down the steps carrying a small bow.

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