Chapter Sixteen//The Fall.

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This is going to be my longest chapter yet, so be ready! :)

3rd Person POV!

It's been a month since Y/n's birthday, and she has gotten closer to everyone.

..Especially Killua.

Gon, Reiji, Killua, and Y/n all had planned on going to a beach house that was twelve hours away from Gon's. They were all aboard a train and sitting together.

Gon had fallen asleep on Reiji's shoulder and Reiji had fallen asleep with his head resting on Gon's.

Y/n and Killua were snapping pictures, just in case they needed them in the future. Y'know, blackmail.

Y/n snickered as she put her phone away.

"Whoa, Killua, look at the view!" Y/n said, looking out the window.

They were on top of a mountain, near a cliff that had not too many trees. There, you could see a sparkling river and a setting sun, along with trees lightly scattered along the hills and a bunch of different types of flowers.

Killua looked out the window in awe. The view pretty much took his breath away. As much as he wanted to keep looking at it, he couldn't take his eyes off of Y/n.

He'd rather look at her, anyways.

Y/n was about to say something, but hesitated when she saw Killua staring at her. She blushed and looked down at her lap, smiling slightly.

"Marshmallow, I'm not the sunset.." Y/n said, fiddling with her skirt.

"Well, you're certainly prettier than the sunset," Killua replied, smirking and leaning forwards so he could see her face.

Y/n's face heated up, and her eyes widened. She puffed up a cheek and looked back at the window so she could hide her blush.

Killua smirked in satisfaction and leaned back in his seat, gently resting his eyes.

"Are you tired?" Y/n asked, quickly recovering from the events that'd happened three seconds ago.

"Hm? Nah, I'm just resting my eyes," Killua said, keeping his eyes closed.

Ten minutes later, he'd fallen asleep on Y/n's shoulder.

She smiled and rolled her eyes, resting her own head on his. She breathed in deeply and sighed, closing her eyes and allowing sleep to swallow her up and give her enough energy to live on tomorrow.


"I feel like I'm a support character some cheesey romance book.. I've never seen true love in person," Reiji whispered, nudging Gon and pointing at the two sleeping in front of them.

"Me neither," Gon whispered back, before yawning and stretching.

"Ugh no stop I said I don't want your chilli dogs.." Y/n mumbled in her sleep.

Reiji snickered and covered his mouth to avoid any further noise.

"Okay maybe just a bite," Y/n gave in after a few seconds of silence, weakly opening her mouth.

Reiji busted out laughing and fell off his seat, waking up Y/n and Killua in the process.

"What the hell..?" Y/n's eyes fluttered open, being awoken by the sudden laughter.

Killua just groaned and buried his face into his pillow. Or.. what he thought was a pillow. It was actually Y/n's shoulder.

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