Chapter Nine// Nap

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(Y/N)'s POV

Killua sat me down on Gon's bed, getting a different bandages to replace the now soaked ones.

"Here, you'll need new clothes," he handed me a pair of his shorts and one of his shirts. "I checked your bag, and I saw that you didn't have a change of clothes. So, I figured I'd give you mine."

He scratched the back of his head, a little blush speckled on his cheeks and over the bridge of his nose.

This made me blush a little, smiling at his thoughtfulness.

"Aww, thank you Killua!!" I smiled even wider, looking into his eyes and taking the clothes from his hand.

"Y-yeah, whatever," he turned away. "Don't think I'm giving you special treatment or anything. I just took pity on you because I-"

"Really, Killua?" I smirked at him, laying the clothes on the bed beside me. "You cried over me out there, now you're acting like it didn't happen and pretending to be tough?"

I shook my head at him and chuckled. "I wish I knew how to tame a tsundere..." I sighed. "I'm gonna go change now. Be right back."

He nodded and sat down at the end of the bed, fiddling with his fingers.

I let out a small smile and closed the door, walking to Mito-San's room since the bathroom is covered in goo.

I changed into the clothes that Killua gave me. "Wow, these are actually really comfy..!"

I hugged my own arms, feeling warm. I took my wet and bloody clothes and casually dumped them in the laundry basket so that they can get washed.

I walked into Gon's room, seeing Killua rolling around on the bed.

"What the-" I was surprised at the scene before me.

"UhhhhHH-" Killua sat up, not knowing what he was doing either.

I chuckled, seeing his confusion and shyness. "Anyways, Do you wanna clean the bathroom before Mito-San gets home? It would be pretty bad if-"

"(Y/NNNN)!!! KILLUAAAAAA!!" Gon shouted, bursting in through the front door. "WHERE ARE YOU GUYS!!?"

"WE'RE UP HERE, GON!" Killua shouted back at him, a tick mark forming on his head because of Gon's shouting.

There were footsteps coming up the stairs. Green, spikey hair and two big brown eyes popped up from below the last step, peaking to see if it was actually us.

"Oh, there you are," he sighed in relief, walking into the room. "Why are you wearing Killua's clothes, (Y/N)?"

"I didn't have any other clothes, so Killua gave me his," I replied, sticking my hands in the pockets. "Also, we need to clean up the bathroom. There's green goo all over in it."

"We'll do it, (Y/N), you need rest because of your wound," Killua said, walking over to the door.

"But Killua, my stomach only hurts a little! Surely I can be of some help!" I said, not wanting them to do all of the work while I sit back and relax.

"No, even if it doesn't hurt that bad, you still need to let it heal. It won't heal if you're mopping for an hour!" Killua said, leaning towards my face.

"Fine then!" I crossed my arms, turning my body away from him and puffing up my cheeks.

"Good (Y/N)! Now, be a good little kitty and lay down for me," he patted me on the head and pointed over at the bed where he wants me to lay down.

"Fine, I guess. You two owe me dinner," I said, pointing at them and walking over to the bed.

I layed down, sliding beneath the covers as I did so.

"Okay, have a good nap, (Y/N)-chan!" Gon said, turning the light off.

"Thank you Gon. Wake me up when you guys are done," I said, laying my head down on the pillow.

"Yeah yeah..." Killua ushered Gon out the door, wanting to get to the bathroom already.

He started to close the door, when he hesitated right before he closed it completely.

"Good night, (Y/N)," Killua said, looking away.

I smiled, not expecting for him to actually tell me goodnight. "Good night, Killua," I said softly.

"Wait, Killua! One last thing!" I said, not wanting him to leave just yet.

"Yeah? What is it?" He asked, turning around. His hand remained on the door, but he opened it up a bit wider so he could see my face.

Before I answered, I jumped out of bed and ran over to him. I planted a little kiss on kiss cheek, placing my hand on his other cheek. It was almost as if time slowed down and the atmosphere lightened as I did this.

I pulled back, taking a small step away from where he was standing. I looked at his face, that was now covered with a dark shade of red.

Because of this, I blushed as well.

"Thank you... for everything, Killua," I smiled warmly at him. "For saving me, and being there for me, even in this short amout of time."

He looked flustered, still processing what'd just happened. He looked down, now getting shy for some reason.

"Y-you're welcome," he simply said, not wanting to say too much or look up at me.

"Good night, Killua," I said, fighting back the temptation to touch his fluffy hair.

"Good night, Y/n," he smiled, the blush not leaving his cheeks. He placed a hand on my head, patting it gently.

I smiled and giggled, enjoying this a little. I ran back to my bed, bouncing into the covers.

Killua softly closed the door, not looking back at me. Darkness covered the entire room, welcoming the much needed rest I didn't know I'd longed for.

SORRY, THIS CHAPTER WAS A BIT SHORTER THAN USUAL!! I just wanted to get this published, considering I haven't updated the story in almost a month due to school, which I apologize for.

See you later.


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