Chapter Seven// "(Y/N)!!!"

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"I smell blood."

(Killua's POV)

My heart skipped a beat and I stopped in my tracks when I heard those words.

I felt myself barely able to breathe, bad thoughts and images flashing through my mind.

No, it couldn't be (Y/N)!! But, who else would it be? She and that lady are the only ones in this place!! I thought, heart racing.

Without saying another word, I started running again, leaving gon behind.

"H-hey, wait!!" Gon shouted from behind me. He caught up with me and ran beside me.

(Y/N)... I need to save you. If that's your blood then I don't know what I'm going to do. Even if it has only been a day since I met you. I need to see your damn face again. I need to hear your adorable giggle again. Tears formed in my eyes as I ran, searching for (Y/N).

Damn spider lady. I'll kill her- my thoughts were interrupted as I saw some type of tank that had something blue in it in the distance.

As we got closer, I saw a face.
It was (Y/N).

She was sitting in a cylindrical glass tank with blood dripping on the floor around her.

It is (Y/N)... I saw a cut on her upper arm and let out a sigh of relief. My worries hadn't gone completely away though, considering the fact that she could die of blood loss.

I ran up to the glass dome and peeked inside. She was unconscious, but was still somehow sitting up in the middle of the tank.

I placed a hand on the outside of it, wanting to embrace her that second.

"You must be the boyfriends she said she was running away from," a girl's voice said from behind us. I spun around, facing the source of it.

My eyes widened at the sight before me. It's the girl that hurt (Y/N)!!

I narrowed my eyes at her.

"What are you talking about?" I asked her, furious at her actions.

"Well, that tiny little thing came running in here in her pyjamas, screaming about water," she answered, placing her hands behind her back. "I tried asking why she was here, but some scary monster came and trapped her in there! I tried getting her out, but-"

"You're lying!!" Gon interrupted the girl. "You hurt (Y/N)!!" He yelled at her, putting one foot forward.

His sudden aggressiveness surprised me. He's usually this happy, smiling boy. But as soon as he saw (Y/N) hurt his whole mood changed.


The girl's shoulders lowered and looked like she was 300% done.

"Oh, c'mon, you already found out? Thanks for ruining the fun," she rolled her eyes. "Now that that's out of the way, let's get down to business."

She lifted her hand and pointed it over in the direction of (Y/N), strings coming out of the tips of each of her fingers. They slipped straight through the glass and latched onto each of (Y/N)'s limbs.

The top of it came off, leaving an opening for (Y/N) to be pulled out of. The woman pulled her hand back slightly, pulling the strings, including (Y/N), towards her.

The girl caught (Y/N) in her left arm, releasing the strings from her limbs. She raised her right hand up to (Y/N)'s face and squished her cheeks, (Y/N)'s plain expression visible to us.

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