Chapter Fifteen// MARRIED!?

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3rd person POV!

"WAIT A DAMN MINUTE-" Y/n was staring at Kurapika and Leorio with wide eyes. "YOU TWO.."

"ARE GETTING MARRIED!?" Killua, Y/n, Reiji, and Gon all said at the same time.

Kurapika and Leorio exchanged glances before laughing their butts off and handing the four of them an invitation.

The four teens huddled around the invitation as they all read it in disbelief.

They were going to have a wedding at a church in two days. They'd been planning this for a month two.

"I can't believe it!" Y/n shouted, throwing her hands into the air and looking up at Kurapika and Leorio.

"How long were you planning this?!" Gon asked, looking up at the two as well.

"Hm, for about a month? Maybe two?" Kurapika said, looking up to the ceiling in thought.

"Noice." Reiji simply said, putting the invitation into the pocket of his hoodie.

Leorio raised his wrist and looked at his watch.

"Ah, Kurapika we need to start putting up the decorations in ten," Leorio turned to the four children who were still in a partial circle. "We gotta go, see you kids later!"

Leorio then waved and started walking to the front door, Kurapika following beside him.

"See you later, Leorio!" Gon waved, smiling widely. "See you later, Kurapika!"

"Bye!!" Reiji and Y/n said at the same time, waving a little and smiling.

"Bye," Killua said, putting his hand in his pockets.

A few minutes after Leorio and Kurapika left, Killua and Y/n plopped down on the couch beside each other.

Y/n glanced over and him and back down at what she held in her right hand. Then back at Killua. Then back down at her hand. Then-

"What in God's name are you doing?" Reiji asked from the floor, his hands frozen in place and hovering over the keys of his laptop.

"Um.." She looked down at the little box in her hand. "Your m- I mean nothing."

Reiji was about to give her a concerned expression, before he spotted what she had in her hand.

He smirked, his eyes half lidded.

"Y/n, what are you planning to do with-"

Y/n cut him off by throwing the remote at his face.


"YOU LOOK LIKE A C-CHICKEN NUGGET-" Y/n laughed and fell over, gripping onto her sides as tears lined in her eyes.

Y/n and Reiji were at Reiji's house, getting ready for the wedding.

The reason Y/n was at Reiji's house is because his sister's old flower girl dress was there. He was letting her borrow it.

"I'D SAY THE SAME FOR YOU BUT YOU LOOK MORE LIKE A BONEY CHICKEN DRUM THAN A CHICKEN NUGGET!!" Reiji shouted, the heat rising to his cheeks in embarrassment.

Y/n just wheezed harder, curling up into a ball on the floor.

"YEAH TAKE THAT," Reiji said, raging like a five-year-old. "CRUSTY ASS BREADING."

Y/n's eyes lined with tears as she had difficulty breathing from laughing and wheezing so hard.

"I CAN'T LIVE ANYMOREEEE," Y/n cried out between laughs.

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