Chapter Eleven//Marshmallow

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Random notes:

Do you ever just accidentally murder someone in the bathroom of your school and when you're trying to hide the body your crush walks in (this works whether it's a boy or a girl because both can happen) and sees your hands covered in blood and the knife on the floor so your crush screams and runs out of the bathroom and makes their way to the principal's office so you start to panick and hyperventilate causing you to take the body to the stall, rip it apart piece by piece and flush it down the toilet?

3rd person POV!

Reiji yawned and opened his eyes, being met with the rather bright light shining through the windows. I sat up and stretched, taking in his surroundings.

He looked down on the floor and saw both Killua and Y/n sleeping on the floor.


He smirked and pulled out his phone, snapping a picture.

Blackmail, he thought, and chuckled a little.

He plopped back down to the couch, staring up at the ceiling.

I kinda wanna go to the beach.. He thought to himself, putting his hands behind his head to serve as a pillow.

"Hey, guys, wake up! We're going to the beach!" Gon shouted, entering the room.

He was carrying a blue bag that had all of the stuff they needed for their trip to the beach.

Reiji just stared for a bit, wondering if this boy can read minds or predict the future or something.

Y/n groaned and shifted around on the place she was laying a bit.

"Five more minutes.. whatever I'm hugging is warm.." Y/n groaned, before slowly opening her eyes.

She was met with a boy's chest. She furrowed her eyebrows and looked up.



She was cuddling Killua.

Y/n then felt her face heat up and her heart beat faster. She couldn't move because she was trapped in Killua's arms.

"U-um, Killua?" She stuttered, laying her head back down on his chest, as if to give up. "We have to get u-"

That's when she had an idea.

I can tease him! She smirked, holding in an evil chuckle.

She then placed a hand on his chest and snuggled in closer to him. I opened my eyes and looked over at Reiji and nodded.

He immediately knew what to do and nodded back.

I closed my eyes and pretended to fall back asleep.

Reiji got off of the couch and pinched Killua's cheek gently to wake him up. Killua groaned a little, slowly opening his eyes to be met with Reiji's pink ones.

"What..?" Killua asked, not noticing that he had his arms wrapped around Y/n.

"We're going to the beach, and you need to wake Y/n up. I tried waking her up but she bit my finger."

He then unwrapped one of his bandages and showed a bite mark. Killua just stared at it with wide eyes.

"The reason I asked you is because she seems to be enjoying the position she's in.." Reiji pointed at the Y/n that was laying on Killua.

Killua then looked down while saying, "What are you talking abou-"

His face turned red and his eyes opened wider. He just stared for a few seconds with his lips parted, frozen in place.

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