Chapter Six// Phantom Spider.

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(Gon's POV)

The phantom spider!?

The color drained from my face as I saw the large spider before me, the one that had been haunting my nightmares for the past few nights. (Idk if this is an actual thing but yah I made it)

"Run.." My voice came out tinted and shaky, as I saw it starting to turn around towards me. "RUN!!"

(Killua's POV)

"RUN!!" I heard Gon's shouting from the bathroom.

"Run"..? What are they running from?, I asked myself in my head.

(Edit: Straight people 😎 We all a lil fruity here.)

I soon saw Gon and Reiji bolting down the stairs, both with horrified looks on their faces. Gon stopped at the door, turning around into a fighting stance.

"(Y/n), Reiji, you guys need to run. Killua and I will handle this," Gon said to them, with a serious look on his face.

I looked down at (Y/n), who looked just as confused as me, but was a little frightened. I nodded at Gon, still not knowing what I'm going up against.

I stand beside Gon, ready to face whatever the hell this is.

I then see a enormous spider slowly emerge from the top of the stairs, a dark, black path trailing behind it.

My eyes widened and my shoulders lowered. "The Phantom Spider...? Th-the one from your nightmares...?" I asked Gon, voice trembling a bit.

He looked over at me and nodded, determined but nervous.

I was nervous as well, but not as determined. The dreams he told me about that he had of this spider brought a chill down my spine.

I gulped down my fears then got back into stance, creating a small bit of electricity, ready to fight.

(Y/N's POV)

Suddenly I'm running away from the house, getting away from something I have never witnessed before.

I reached the woods, but stopped right before entering. Suddenly a picture popped up in my head. Someone making me feel cold and frozen, making me unable to move.

It was almost as if I was being stabbed all the way up my spine with ice, controlling me completely.

It went away a few seconds after, leaving my eyes watery and my skin cold.

I was hesitant to enter again, but pushed myself to go into it, wanting to listen to Gon and keep running.

Suddenly, further into the woods, it looked like midnight. There were stars twinkling in the sky, along with visible clouds and a crescent moon.

I ignored this and kept running. That is, until I hit something warm, like a person.

Yet, when I looked up to see what I had hit, there was nothing. I stepped back and looked around a bit more, seeing if they had run/flown somewhere.

I was a little weirded out by this, so I decided to walk, not run. I kept glancing around and stopping in my tracks.

Sorry, but I choose life for now.. I thought, fiddling with my fingers.

I decided to put on a face of confidence, so I started marching through it. Even if it might have been half fake, it still made me a bit more determined.

Haha, this is the spirit! I bet you I can find the end of the path before nightfall!! I smirked and walked like a normal person with my hands my pockets.

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