Chapter Four.

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(HEY! WHY ARE YOU HERE? Me too!! Anyways- the picture is what I think the outfit would look like. I KNOW, ANYWAYS- HERE YOU ARE, THE MOMENT YOU'VE BEEN WAITING FOR FOR PROBABLY A FEW DAYS OR SOMN)

(Edit: I'm gonna redraw this- 💀)

(Edit: I'm gonna redraw this- 💀)

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(Edit: I redrew it lol)


Our lips meet, gently. I close my eyes and relax into the kiss. 'His lips are crusty....- wait what? Also- hUH' I thought.

(Edit: I might change "soft" to crusty..)

After we pulled back, we made eye contact. "That was-" Killua began to say, but stop mid sentence.

We made eye contact for a second,

but then we busted out laughing. "Y-you tasted like- ch-chiken-" Killua told me, laughing really hard.

"Y-you- HSHDHZ tasted like s-STRAWberries- BBBb-but d-dipped in mashed potatoes-" I said, continuing to laugh. Tears fell from my eyes as I let out really loud laughs.

Gon's POV

"0." Killua said, leaning into Y/N.

'Is this really it? Are they finally gonna kiss? I mean, it's only been a day but like- COME ON!!' I thought, smiling widely and bouncing up and down.

Once their lips met, I felt like I was going to explode. SO. ADORABLE HITIGIGI-

I saw Y/N look shocked for a second, but lean into the kiss. Both of their faces were red. WAY too obvious. I can tell Y/N is holding back a squeal mixed with a "WOAH THERE BUDDY WE'RE TOO YOUNG FOR THIS MAYBE IN LIKE FIVE YEARS WE CAN DO THIS AGAIN".

I decided to pretend like I was shocked, so that they don't know that I think they should get together.

I slap on a shocked face as they pull apart. Although, I could hardly contain my happiness as Killua said "That was-..." and looked deep into her eyes.

They didnt realize it, but Killua's hand was on hers. Cheesy and clichè, much!? Oh well, still cute. Y/N had her hand on Killua's chest and her other holding her up.

I feel like I'm interrupting something.... OH WELL I'M HERE SO MIGHT AS WELL-

My thoughts were interrupted with both of them laughing hysterically. That's when I was ACTUALLY shocked.

"Y-you tasted like- ch-chiken-" Killua said, continuing to laugh.

"Y-you- HSHDHZ tasted like s-STRAWberries- BBBb-but d-dipped in mashed potatoes-" Y/N said, tears falling down her cheeks.

'Wait, so this kiss meant nothing!?'

"Damn it, damn it, damn it, damn it," I mumbled, until I heard the laughing stop and saw them look over at me.

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