Chapter Thirteen// Secret Mission? Pt. 2

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Secret mission? Part Two! :)

3rd person POV!

"Hey, Y/n, when do you think they'll be back?" Reiji asked Y/n, pulling a card from the deck that sat between the two.

"Killua and Gon were here this morning carrying this large box down the stairs and out the door. They said they were 'making a delivery to somewhere'," Y/n answered, using finger quotes. "Got any sevens?"

Reiji puffed a cheek up and handed the girl a seven of hearts, looking away in defeat.

"Ha, I win!" Y/n said, placing down her tenth match. "Want a rematch?"

"Sure!" Reiji smiled, dropping his cards.

Y/n did the same and grabbed the deck. She started shuffling them, humming as she did so.

She then started dealing the cards, handing the both of them seven.

"Okay, who's going first?" Reiji asked, looking at all of his cards after placing down a match.

Y/n placed down two matches and looked up at him.

"You go first this time," she smiled, repositioning her legs so she sat with he legs crossed.


"I spy with my little eye something.. annoying!" Killua said, putting up his pointer finger.

"Hey!" Gon pushed Killua slightly, chuckling and closing his eyes.

"I'm kidding! But for real this time. I spy with my little eye something.. brown!" Killua said, leaning forward a bit and smiling.

"Hm.." Gon looked around in the car, searching for something brown. "Your sandals?"

"Nope," Killua shook his head.

"My sandals?"


"... Kurapika's sandals?"


Gon laughed and leaned back in his seat.

"I give up," he said, looking back over at Killua.

"Your eyes," he said leaning onto the car window.

"Well how was I supposed to know that!?" Gon asked. I mean, he can't exactly see he own eyes without a mirror, now, can he?

Killua shrugged. "Dunno. Just thought you'd know your own eye color is all."

"Well, I didn't think of tha-" Gon's whining was cut off by Kurapika.

"We're here!" Kurapika said, coming to a stop near Gon's house.

"Yay!" Gon said, opening to door and jumping out of the car.

Killua followed behind Gon as the both ran to the front door.

Gon sound the door opened and yelled, "HEY GUYS WE'RE HERE!!"

"I SAID I DON'T HAVE A QUEEN- Oh hey, guys," Y/n said, leaning away from Reji's face.

"What were you just doing? N-nevermind it doesn't matter. Anyways- Gon was planning on throwing this party thing at the pool today. Do you wanna come with us?" Killua asked, smiling slightly.

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