Chapter Five// Ummm okay..?

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(Y/n)'s POV)

I let out a huge sigh and patted my stomach. "I feel a lot better," I said, and stood up from my chair.

I decided I wanted to get some fresh air, so I went over to the door and put my shoes on.

I walked outside, taking in a deep breath of fresh air. I squinted at the brightness, and walked along a path I found in the woods.

I wonder where this goes to... oh well, it seems pretty peaceful to me, I thought, hesitating a bit before walking any further.

I shrugged and continued to walk, thinking about nothing particular, just taking in the sights that surrounded me.

It brought a smile to my face. The sound of the tweeting birds and the light peeking out from between the leaves and tickling my face.

It's funny, how small things like this bring me the most joy. Okay, now I'm getting cheesy, I'll stop now.

After a while if walking, the woods and the path doesnt seem to end.

"Huh, that's strange... Maybe I should turn around," I mumbled to myself, about to turn around. I turned around and started walking in the direction I came from.

I wasn't bothered much by the extremely dark and powerful aura that was coming from behind me, so I decided to show it.

I eventually reached the exit to the woods, but the dark aura wouldn't go away. I walked into the house, wanting it to get the heck off me.

I casually walked into the kitchen, wanting to grab a water, when Killua and Gon were both staring behind me with a confused and disturbed look on their faces.

"What?" I asked them, putting my hands in my pyjama pockets. I look behind me and see some boy that looked like he was about to give me an evil hug or something.

He saw that my attention was shifted onto him, so he lowered his arms and stepped back a little.

"Uhhhhh... Hi?" He made a noise, feeling really awkward. He lifted his hand to his mouth and averted his eyes looking shy.

(Picture above^^ (not my art))

"Ummm.... what?" I sweat dropped, looking at him confused and surprised.

"Who the hell are you?" Killua asked, getting up from his chair and stepping forward. "And why are you here?"

"Woah, woah, it's okay, I'm not here to hurt anyone!" He said, waving his arms around

"Then why were you just walking in here behind (Y/N) with a tremendously dark aura and looking like you're about to crush her?" Killua asked, relaxing where he was standing.

"I wanted to scare her, but it looks like I failed completely," the boy said, scratching the back of his head.

"Awwee, you're so adorable!!" I poked his cheek. "But still, that was creepy. Who are you anyway?"

"Oh? Right. My name is Reiji. What about you?" He said, looking down at me.

Wow he's tall... or maybe I'm just very very short, I thought.

"I'm (Y/N)! This is Killua and that's Gon," I answered, pointing at the two boys behind me.

Gon waved while Killua crossed his arms and narrowed his eyes at him.

"Reiji, huh...?" Killua mumbled, rubbing his chin.

"Ummm, okay then," I said, then walked past Reiji. "I gotta take my shoes off. Reiji, you can stay a little longer if you want. Just make sure Killua doesn't attack you."

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