Chapter Two// Dinner

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(I apologize for the weird titles JFFJJF and thank you for the two people who voted for my story, much appreciated :D)

(Edit from the future: TWO- LAIIDJWJ Oh and I'm going to be putting edits with my commentary because this is my story and I cringe really hard over it.)

"This is gonna be fun..."

I walked to the bathroom and pulled out a long, black, poofy dress that had layers and layers of soft, white, cloth beneath it, making it very wide and soft. It had very thin straps and a belt that had rhinestones and glitter, making it sparkly and blinding. The dress was backless and easy to slip on.

I put it on and curled my hair (if it wasnt already) then put on eyeliner. I didnt put any shoes, heels, or anything on, just some comfy socks that were a bit slippery, but manageable.

I looked at myself in the mirror and chuckled. I left my bag in the bathroom and knocked on Killua's door.

Killua's POV

'Heh, I look dumb. Oh well, it's good enough,' I thought, looking at myself in the mirror.

Knock Knock

There was a knock at my door. 'Must be Y/N,' I assumed, walking over to the door.

I opened it and looked (I know it's a bit dense of me, but can we pretend that Killua's taller than you in this? If you don't want to, you can pretend that you're taller than him, or you're the same height. If it works with you, that is.) down at Y/N, who was wearing a long, beautiful dress and her hair in curls.

"How do I look?" Y/N asked, twirling her dress a little. "Stupid, right? My mom made me bring this with me, and I think it looks kind of-"

I cut her off, looking her in the eye. "No, not at all! You look pretty!!" I said, blushing a little and smiling.

Y/N's face turned red. She punched my left arm really hard, and said, "I-Idiot! You cant just go around saying stuff like that to people! I-it's embarrassing!" She scolded me, looking away with an angry yet flustered look on her face.

I was surprised, yet impressed, at how hard she had hit me. I chuckled a little and rubbed my arm.

"Other than that, you don't look too bad yourself," she said, smiling a little and looking at my suit.

(Edit: OMFG I READ THAT AS "smiling and looking down at my little ✨s l u t✨" SOMEHOW 🤠)

I blushed at this. "Th-thanks,"

She was about to look me in the eyes when she noticed something near my neck and scowled at it.


'Does he know how to tie his tie at all...?' I thought, my eye twitching.

"Okay, buddy, I need to fix this before it bothers me so much that I will have to die for legal reasons," I declared, walking closer to him.

I reached up a little and untied it. I started mumbling under my breath about how horrible it looked, noticing how fast Killua's heartbeat was.

"There we go!" I said, stepping back from the correctly tied tie. (Okay, I'm getting tired of the word tie)

Killua felt it, not being able to look at it considering it was around his neck. "Wow, thanks, Y/N!" Killua said, looking at me.

"It's no problem. Now, let us go down to dinner! Shall we, my prince?" I asked, switching to a proper voice and sticking my elbow out.

"We shall, Princess," Killua said as well, latching arms with me.

We started walking down the stairs, Killua in front in case I fall. When we reached the bottom, we heard Gon call out for us.


(Edit: Well you kind of let us stay in your bedroom alone together so what else do you expect?)

I snickered and we started walking towards the kitchen.

"Good evening, Miss Mito, Master Gon," I said, curtsying to them.

"Here you are, my princess," Killua said, pulling out a chair for me.

"Oh, how kind of you, Prince Killua! Care to help me sit down?" I asked, making weird, but proper hand movements.

"But of course, darling! Anything for you~!"

I held in a laugh at the last part, covering my mouth. Killua scooped me up, and carried me, bridal style, to my seat that was a few inches away. He sat me down and sat in the chair beside me.

"Now, shall we start eatin-" I caught a glance of Mito, who had a very confused and shocked look on her face.

Killua and I looked at each other, and busted out laughing.

Gon started laughing a little too, while Mito was just plain confused. She held a fork in her hand that was near her mouth, but never reached it.

"This is fun."

Author's notes: APOLOGIES, IT'S SO SHORT!!

(Edit: I know what isn't short... ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

The path of God! Go touch grass, kids!)

Also if you have any requests for this, I will gladly take them into consideration.



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