Chapter Three//Bedtime anddd- WHAT

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(HEY- :0 LE TITLE!? WHAT DOES THAT MEAN?!! I DO NOT KNOW!! I seriously don't know what I'm gonna do so I'm taking you on this journey with me. LET US GO MY READER-CHAN!! :D)

(Edit: I'm just gonna pretend I'm okay after reading that)

"This is fun."

I smiled really huge and finished eating. "I'm-" I let out a huge burp. "Gonna go to bed now. Prince Killua, would you care to escort me to my room?" I asked, holding my hand out.

"But of course, my darling!" Killua said, taking my hand into his and helping me down.

"You are too kind! Carry me?" I asked, holding my hands up like a toddler wanting to be held.

Gon laughed a little, while Killua did his best to hold in a laugh. He scooped me up, bridal style, and started walking towards the steps.

"LOOK OUT, KILLUA!! THERE IS A HIDEOS BEAST TAILING US!!" I shouted, snuggling closer to Killua.

Killua turned around to see Gon following a few feet away from us. "HEY! I mean- RARRRR," Gon snarled, making a scary face and making claws with his hands.

"NEVER FEAR, DARLING!! FOR I WILL SAVE YOU FROM THIS WRETCHED BEAST!!" Killua declared, making me sit on the stairs. He then drew a foam sword from his pocket.

'How did he fit that in there-?' I thought to myself, eye twitching.

Gon smirked and snarled once more. "NNNnNNnNrAAAAAaaAaaaAaAaaAAAAaAARRRrrRR!!"

"Step back, foul beast!!" Killua commanded, holding his sword in from of him.

"MWAHAAHHAHAHA!! You are no match for me!! For I will take the fair maiden away and keep her as my queen!! You will never stop me!!" Gon laughed evilly, pointing at Killua's face.

"Not if I can help it!!" Killua shouted, running towards the beast.

Gon dodged the sword and ran up to where I was sitting. He grabbed my shoulders and lifted me up, bringing me closer to him.

I let out a fake scream and pretended to squirm. "Help me!!" I shouted, my eyes closed.

Gon cackled. "I have captured the princess!! Now she will be mine forever!!" Gon said, carrying me like a sack of potatoes.

(Edit: Ayy shawty say less [Rebby Dyan] )

Gon run up the stairs, leaving Killua behind. "NOOOOO!!!!!" I heard Killua call out from downstairs.

Gon brought me to his room, and put me on his bed. "MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! NOW YOU HAVE NO CHOICE BUT TO BE MY QUEEN!!" Gon said, pointing at me.

"PRINCE KILLUA, HEEEEELLLPPPP!!" I called out, cupping my hands.

"Shush, my queen. We must not show our location," he said, covering my mouth with a cloth.

He tied it around my head and over my mouth, so I couldn't talk. He then tied my wrists and ankles together, and blindfolded me.


Killua's POV

I fall to my knees, pretending to be hurt. "My Princess... I promise I will save you," I vowed, looking up at the ceiling with DETERMINATION. (NOT SORRY)

(Edit: I am so sorry. 💀🕳🚶‍♀️)

I run to the kitchen, getting out the aluminum foil. I wrapped my entire body up with it and my sword.

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