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Sister!Spinel x Child!Reader

Requested by: xX_RAGNAROK125_Xx

(Obviously a Human AU)

You hummed happily as you and your older sister, Spinel, walked to the park. You held on tightly to Spinel's pinkie finger, still humming and skipping next to her. Your sister huffed tiredly as you both finally arrived at the park to see tons of other kids running around, screaming, and jumping off of high objects.

"W-wait, wait, wait, wait, wait!" Spinel said quickly as you were about to run off and start playing with the other children. Spinel gripped your hand tightly, looking you in the eyes, "Firstly, change your shoes. Second, do you remember the rules?" She asked, pointing at you. You nodded, an excited grin on your lips. You were ready to go play!

You sat on a bench nearby, changing into your gym shoes and hopping down, rushing to go play with everyone. Spinel watched you, a small smile on her face. She gazed proudly at your speeding figure on the big playground. You both would always come to this very place every Tuesday since you were born. The memories were fuzzy for you, but Spinel remembered everything clearly.

The laughs, the crying, the fights. It all led up to this moment. Your older sister grinned, thinking about the one time you fell and started to cry loudly, alerting the other parents at the playground. You both had to leave early that day, causing you to cry even more. Spinel laughed at the memory. Suddenly, Spinel saw an old man, who looked to be in his fifties, walking towards you.

She put it off, thinking he was walking in a different direction. But her eyebrows furrowed when he stopped right in front of you and started to bend down to your level. The man spoke to you in a calm manner and held out his hand, setting off many alarms in Spinel's body.

She jumped up, running over to you. The man turned to see her and his face became fearful. He stood up quickly and moved away from you as Spinel made her way over, "Hey, man. What're ya' doin'?" Your older sister yelled at the man. He started to sweat and look around nervously. "I was just offering the girl a piece of candy." He tried to worm his way out of the situation.

Spinel stated to become irritated by him. She grabbed you and slowly pushed you behind her, making you realize something was wrong. You hugged her leg and stared at the man, a terrified look on your small face. Spinel noticed the man holding his hand behind his back and a flash of light hitting the sharp object he was holding.

She realized he was holding a knife and she kicked the man, making him react fast and swing his knife at her. It sliced her arm and she groaned in pain. The man fell over and hit his head on the monkey bars. He was out cold. You began to cry and stare at Spinel in fear. The blood gushing out of her forearm and running down her elbow made you scared.

Was something wrong with your big sister? Was she gonna be okay? "D-don't worry, baby! I'm fine!" She grunted in pain, trying to reassure you. But it didn't help. Soon, some adults came over and realized the situation. They called the cops and the man was immediately arrested.

Spinel was holding you tightly in her arms, sitting in the back of an ambulance with gauze wrapped around her arm. You were hugging her waist and still crying your eyes out. "It's alright, baby." Spinel spike soothingly. "I'll always protect you, no matter what. You're safe with Spinel...." She kept speaking softly. You eventually fell asleep.

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