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(Ok, after this chapter, I will go on hiatus because I just realized I had this left in here....also, yeah, I know, I write a lot of these kinds of chapters...)

Unpoofed!Spinel x Spinel!Reader


You sat next Spinel on the couch as she glared daggers at Steven and the Gems. You kicked your legs back and forth happily and Steven sighed tiredly, moving his gaze to Spinel's and they had a mini staring contest.

You didn't know what was going on, but all you knew was that the gems lost their memories and it was all somehow Spinel's doing. At first glance she seemed to be a normal-looking Spinel, but her attitude was.....fierce.

"Spinel, please...can you tell me how to stop the injector. I know my Mom hurt you somehow and we can talk it out together, but you have to stop this. You can't just kill innocent people who have nothing to do with this." Steven tried to get through to Spinel.

She glared harder and crossed her arms, "You don't know nothin', Universe. And I ain't gonna tell ya' nothin' either." She grumbled. Steven huffed, irritation in his eyes. You stood up and went to go calm him down, putting a hand on his shoulder, "Look, I know we all are going through a hard time, but-"

"Oh, don't be such a suck-up! None of you Crystal Clods know anything' about me! I'm not takin' my injector out and I'm not helping you fix these gems!" She yelled angrily. You hopped on the coffee table in front of her and got on your knees, grabbing her hands, "Ms. Spinel, please! The earth is our home and we are supposed to protect it! How are we gonna protect something if it's destroyed? Please, help us and you can stay here on earth with us and we can all be friends!" You grinned.

Spinel flushed deeply, but the same scowl remained on her face. She tried to pull her hand away, but your grip was surprisingly strong. She stared at you wide eyes which were glazed over with hope and pure truth. She almost gave in, but pulled away harshly and pushed you lightly, "I said I'm not helpin' you!" She shouted.

You sighed and slumped over, upset that she declined your offer.

You gasped as Spinel chased Steven with a giant saw while screaming. Steven jumped to avoid her and you stretched your arms over to push her down and sit on her back. She threw a tantrum, kicking and yelling wildly. Steven forced his powers, trying to make a bubble around her.

But, it ended with the bubble around you too. Spinel seemed very upset by this, but you were glad. Even if she did try to attack and destroy earth, you wanted her to feel better. You could tell she was hurting inside.

Steven told you both to stay and you nodded, watching him run off and go towards Beach City. Bismuth, Lapis, Garnet, and Peridot all stared at Spinel for a second. Then, they went around to clean up her mess.

She turned away from you, hugging herself tightly. You could hear her mumbling and you played with your fingers nervously, looking everywhere but her. Maybe you could speak to her and see what happened. But, you had to get her to warm up to you.

You tapped her shoulder and quickly pulled away as she turned around. "What?" She said, clearly annoyed. You gulped nervously, "I-I wanted to ask....who hurt you?" She stared, eye twitching, "PINK DIAMOND, YA' NITWIT, WHO ELSE!?" She raised her arms exaggeratedly, making you flinch.

She was really angry. She burried her face in her knees and you contemplated on wether or not you should try to comfort her. You put a hand on her back and sat next her, "What happened?" She scoffed, "It's none of your business." You lowered your head and she lifted hers, seeing your sad face.

She rolled her eyes and laid down, rolling on her side, "I was supposed to be her best friend. To help her feel better if something was wrong. She seemed to care for me and love me like family. She played with me everyday, every hour, no signs of anger or sadness. Then, I realized I was completely wrong."

You looked at her in anticipation as she continued, "When Blue and Yellow Diamond gave her a colony, she was happy. So happy, that she felt like she didn't need me anymore and had the gall to just leave me alone for 6,000 years!" She yelled, eyes spiraling with all of her pent up rage and emotions.

You laid next to her and turned to look at her, "But, I guess she did a good thing. I'm just a useless, stupid clod who can't even entertain one gem." She spoke, furrowing her eyebrows. You slapped her shoulder slightly and started to scold her, "Don't say that! I don't think you're stupid..." you said, holding her hand.

Spinel stared, face slightly pink. Then, she snickered, "You're pretty cute." You also blushed, confused, "I.....am?" Spinel laughed and sighed tiredly. You held your arms behind you back and sat up, "So, does this mean you'll stop your injector and help us save the earth and the Gems!" "No." "Aw, c'mon!"

Spinel X Reader Oneshots (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now