☁From Afar 2: Love☁

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Part 2 of 'From Afar'

"Hello, Steven." You stood behind the boy, waving as he turned around. "Bunny! Spinel!" He exclaimed, smiling. You laughed as he hugged you both, squeezing you together. You wrapped your other arm around his back, trying to reciprocate his actions.

He released you both and put his hands on his hips, "What brings you two here?" Spinel tensed up and you noticed, looking at her in confusion. "I...came to see Garnet." She admitted. You smiled, your eyes looking as tired as usual, "I just wanted to see how your project was going."

Steven nodded, "It's going great, actually!" He told you cheerfully. "By the way, Garnet is teaching a class right now. But, you can head over and see what's up if you'd like, Spinel." Steven suggested to her. She looked behind to where Steven was pointing and saw a group of gems sitting in a circle and watching Garnet, who was explaining something.

Spinel made her way over slowly and Garnet sensed her, "You're welcome to join us, Spinel." She said. Spinel was shocked and she turned to look at you. You made a shooing motion with your hands. Spinel turned back to Garnet and sat down with the other gems.

"Are you and Spinel dating?" You looked at Steven, face full of confusion, "Day-ting? What's that? It's sounds interesting." You told Steven. The boy was concerned and groaned at the thought of talking to the Diamonds about their teaching methods. He put an arm around your shoulder and began to tell you about human relationships and all that.

"And sometimes humans make a choice to have a baby." You held a finger to your chin, "Where does the baby come from?" You asked. Steven blushed and began to stutter. "Um, nevermind." You giggled. You decided to change the subject, "What does a human baby look like?" The boy straightened himself out, cheeks still slightly flushed, "Follow me!"

You both arrived at a building that read 'Daycare' at the top with rainbows and sparkles around the sign. You opened the door and Steven gave you jazz hands and grinned, "Ta-da! Human children!" He said happily. Your eyes brightened and showed excitement at all of the small kids running around and playing.

They all turned at the same time, freezing when they saw you. You became nervous and waved a little, "Oh, h-hello." You mumbled. The children ran towards you and tackled you to the ground. You laughed as they hugged you, asked you tons of questions, bounced on your malleable body.

"Guys, look! She's like taffy!" One of the kids yelled, pulling your arm and making it stretch far. "Taffy?" You asked, chuckling lightly. These children were adorable! You loved them! Maybe one day....you could have one of your own.

Meanwhile, with Spinel.....

The class had ended and Spinel was thinking about the things she had learned about. Suddenly, Garnet came up behind her, making Spinel flinch. She calmed down once she saw who it was and glared playfully, "Don't scare me like that, please."

Garnet grabbed Spinel's shoulders and led her over to a rock. She pushed Spinel down to sit on the rock. "I know you wanted to speak to me. It's about you and Y/N, right?" The pink gem looked down guiltily, "I don't know if the way I think about her is bad or good. Is it bad to think about my friend in an intimate way?"

Garnet crossed her arms, "It depends on what you mean by 'intimate'." Spinel blushed at her thoughts, steam comically coming put the side of her face (because gems have no ears). "W-Well, sometimes I imagine that one day me and Y/N would.....fuse. And be together forever."

Garnet's face show pure happiness. She clapped her hands together and explained human relationships to Spinel. It left the shorter, pink gem flustered and daydreaming. Kissing!? Reproducing!? Marriage!? This was so weird for Spinel. "How do I know for sure that this is 'love' that I'm feeling? And what if Y/N doesn't feel the same!"

Garnet calmed her down, shushing her, "She loves you. I can tell. And I know for sure that you love her." Spinel smiled at this, but it slowly turned down into a frown, "Well, if this is love I feel, how do I make my move on Y/N?"

Garnet smirked and wrapped an arm around Spinel's shoulder. "Here's what you do..."

"Hey, uh, Y/N?" Steven called you. You were giggling as a child you were holding was squeezing your nose. You turned to Steven and he smiled at you, "Your good with kids." You looked back at the small child and they gave a gummy smile while laughing, "I guess I'm just the motherly type." You said, blowing raspberries on the baby's belly.

This sent the child into a fit of laughter. "Anyway, Garnet just sent me a text. She said Spinel wants you to meet her on the beach." You raised an eyebrow, confused. "Tell her I'll be there soon." You replied, setting the baby down gently. "Oh, and wear something nice!" He added. Your entire body glowed and you were wearing a flowy, short, light-blue dress with matching flats with flower designs.

"Ooh, pretty!" Steven complimented. You gave him a thumbs up and made your out of the Daycare building and across the boardwalk. You noticed a bright light in the distance near the shore of the beach. Then, you saw a familiar pink hand wave to you. You waved back, smiling widely. You jogged over to Spinel and leaped up, hugging her.

When you let go, your hands slid down her arms and into her hands. You looked down and realized Spinel was wearing a very fine suit. It looked nice on her, "This suit looks great." You told her kindly. Spinel's face heated up and she was about to say something, but stopped.

She remembered what Garnet said and breathed deeply. You gasped as Spinel spun you around, "And you look beautiful~" you blushed, face showing complete shock. Spinel never acted like this. She was always cheerful and playful, but never flirtatious.

You pulled away from Spinel and grinned nervously, "Thank you. Anyways, what did you need me for?" You asked. Spinel jumped and walked over to you. She got down on one knee and grabbed your hand gently, "Y/N, today I learned something very important. I...." She paused. You looked at her, anticipation filling your expression.

Your eyes sparkled in the light of the newly risen moon, making Spinel weak in the knees. "Yes?" Spinel pulled out a phone which was kindly lended by Garnet and stood up, walking away a little. She pressed something on the device and set it in the sand, music blaring through it.

"I wanted to ask you..." She began, walking back over to you and held her hand out, "Would you fuse with me?" She finished quickly. Your face became a fury of deep, navy blue. She wanted to fuse with you? She seemed nervous about this and had her eyes shut tight, most likely wanting to avoid humiliation if you declined.

Spinel was surprised when she felt a hand slip into hers. She opened her eyes and had the biggest smile on her face when she looked at you. She pulled you forward, making stumble a little, "Woah!" You exclaimed fearfully. You both began to dance, moving freely together. Spinel placed her hands on your waist gently and you held onto her shoulders.

You both laughed and Spinel picked you up, spinning around. You wrapped your arms around her neck as she began to slow down and her hands slid down to your legs, picking you up gently. Your arms remained looped around her neck and the song ended. You both stared at each other, before slowly leaning in.

Your lips made contact and butterflies came to your stomach. You cheeks lit up, along with Spinel's. You were both inexperienced, but didn't care. You both loved each other and wanted to prove to yourselves and the world that it was right and true. A bright light began to shine and you felt a warm feeling in your gem.

(Part 3 coming soon.....)

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