☁From Afar 3: Suspicions☁

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Part 3 of 'From Afar'

You and Spinel had been together for 2 years. You enjoyed every second of it. But, over the past few days, you began to notice Spinel seemed anxious. She was always visiting Earth to see the gems. You didn't understand what was wrong. Every time you asked Steven or anyone else, they would shake you off and go to do something else. When Spinel came back to Homeworld 5 hours later than she said she would be, you snapped, "Why won't you tell me what's wrong!?" You shouted. Everyone in the hall stared in disbelief. You never raised your voice at anyone, no matter how bad the situation was.

Spinel reached for you, but you backed away, "I'm sorry." you whispered, holding a hand to your mouth. You ran away and Spinel called for you, "N/N!" You ran past the Crystal Gems, not noticing them. You ran as fast as your legs would take you. You finally arrived in Lemon's room. You broke down on the floor and cried. It was all you could do anyway. You felt helpless and angry at yourself for hurting Spinel's feelings. A voice called you, "Bunny! Hun, what's wrong?" It was Star.

You sniffed and rubbed your eyes. You hugged yourself, wrapping your arms around yourself several times. Lemon came in and saw the two of you in her room. She growled, "Hey, get outta my!- Bunny, what's up with you?" she immediately stopped yelling and came over to you. "Nothin'..." you tried to get them to ignore you. "Don't gimme that crap! What's wrong with ya'?" Lemon yelled. You unwrapped your arms and sighed, rubbing it. "I-I...yelled at Spinel." you explained sadly.

"What for?" Star questioned. You squeezed your arm, "She won't talk to me. She's been sneaking around and I feel like it's because she doesn't like me anymore. I guess she decided to search for someone better... " you trembled. The two Spinel's looked down at the smaller, fragile one with furrowed eyebrows. They stood up and left the room, "We'll be right back, Darling!" Star reassured. You nodded and the two Spinel's searched for the original pink one.

They found her in the ballroom, looking down sadly. Lemon stormed up to them and grabbed Spinel by the arm, whipping her around. "Oh, Lemon, have you seen Y/-" Spinel was cut off by a harsh slap on her cheek. "You little!-" the yellow gem was about to go ham on Spinel, but Star held her back, gazing at Spinel with angry eyes, "You know, cheating on someone is not okay. And especially when that 'someone' is Bunny."

Spinel was confused. "Wha- I would never cheat on her!" Spinel told them, enraged that they'd ever suspect her of something so disgraceful. Lemon glared at the slightly shorter, pink gem, "Well, Bunny sure does think so!" Spinel's eyes widened. You thought she had cheated on you? "Watch out." Spinel said, shoving past the two. She searched and searched for you. Then, she got an idea!

She hurried over to Lemon's room and barged in, making you jump in fear. "Y/N!" Spinel cheered. She rushed over to you and picked you up by the waist. She lifted you in the air, spinning around. When she finished, she hugged you tightly with tears rolling down her cheeks and onto your shirt, "I love you, so much. Don't you ever forget that." You started to cry too. When Spinel felt your arms around her form, she cried even harder. "I-I'm sorry for accusing you." You apologized, voice wavering with sadness.

"No, no, it's okay! I don't care about that! I just wanted you back with me! And I was sneaking around because..." She grabbed your hand and led you back into the ballroom, where the other two Spinel's watched from a distance suspiciously. Spinel led you over to, "The balcony? Where we first met." you pointed out.

Spinel grinned, eyes staring dreamily at you, "I wanted to ask you something important." she said calmly. You watched in awe as your girlfriend got down on one knee, "Y/N, you have always been the light in my life. Before I met you I belonged to Pink Diamond and her alone. My friendship with you made me feel free. But, when Pink left, I was alone. After I almost destroyed the Earth," you laughed lightly at the memory. "The Diamonds took me in and I had something to look forward to! It wasn't the fact I was offered a home and caring family, but the fact that I was gonna see you again."

Tears welled in your eyes and you squeezed her hand, "I will never forget the day we fused. It was magical! And from then on, I promised myself that I would never let you go. You are my one and only and I want you to have a way to remind yourself of that." She slowly pulled something from her gem and opened it, "Y/N, will you, the love of my life, marry me and make me the happiest gem in the universe?"

You were in a state of shock. Then, you covered your mouth with your hand and you blushed, tears dripping from your blue eyes. Spinel stood up quickly and you jumped on her. You kissed her roughly and hugged her tightly, "YES, YES! A MILLION TIMES, YES!" you cried. Spinel hugged you back and breathing a sigh of relief. She took the ring out of the box and gently grabbed your hand.

She slipped it on your finger and leaned down to kiss you again, but was stopped by loud shout that startled you both. You turned to see Garnet rushing towards you. She squealed and hugged you both tightly, "WOOHOO!" Steven had hopped from behind a bush and cheered. The rest of the Crystal Gems, along with basically all of Little Homeworld, showed up and started to congratulate you both.

You and Spinel laughed, kissing each other once more, "I love ya'~" Spinel said, nuzzling your nose. "Love you too!" you replied joyfully.

(Part 4 coming soon.....)

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