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Mafia!Spinel x Kidnapped!Reader

Requested by: No one

"I want every corner of this fucking city searched until you all find Y/ N!" Spinel barked orders at the group before her. Steven tried to calm her down, but the tall gem shouted at him to go. He flinched in fear and left the room, along with everyone else.

Spinel sat down in her chair and placed her face in her hands. Her shoulders shook as she started to cry quietly. She was terrified. What if something bad happened to you? It had been a week since you were missing and no one had any leads, except for a necklace that was dropped by you. The same necklace Spinel got you on your anniversary.

Everyone was scared and sad that you were missing, but it wasn't hard to say that Spinel was hurting the most. She ran her hands through her hair and sighed, face wet with tears. When Spinel found whoever took her lovely flower, she was gonna make sure they regretted their life.

Spinel growled under her breath and stood up. She needed a drink. She exited her office and made her way to the kitchen of the big mansion/warehouse they lived and did business in. She swung the fridge open and was going to grab a shot and go. But, she rethought and grabbed the entire bottle of red wine.

She stared at it, smiling at a memory...


You cringed in disgust as you took a small sip of the polluted drink in your cup. Spinel wanted you to try out some alcoholic drinks for the first time. Your throat burned and tears came to your eyes as you tried to fan them. Spinel laughed, making you smirk, "If you're so cocky, why don't you try it yourself? It tastes pretty bad." You said.

Spinel smirked back and grabbed your cheeks, kissing you gently. She licked your lips and you blushed as she pulled away, "I think it tastes pretty good~" Your face was a deep shade of red and you shoved Spinel's shoulder, "Don't be weird!" You scolded. You looked down at your feet and fiddled with your thumbs, "But, I liked the kiss. Thanks." 

Spinel stretched her arms and picked you up, placing you down onto her lap, "Does my kitten want some more kisses?~" She said in a smug baby voice. You blushed even harder and held onto both ends of Spinel's undone tie, "Yes...." You said shyly.

"Aw, baby." Spinel chuckled, kissing all over your face. You laughed as she kissed down to your neck. "Stop!" You whined. 


Spinel was on the verge of tears again. She quickly opened the bottle and chugged down half of it. She immediately felt dizzy and she went to sit down, deciding on slowly drinking. She sighed and slammed her head on the counter.

She felt a hand on her shoulder and turned to see you. "Ms. Spinel? You okay?" She was confused. Spinel reached out and whispered, "Y/ N?" Her vision was blurred and she eventually passed out...

"Wake up! Ugh, wake her up while I take care of this!" A gruff voice yelled. Someone shook Spinel violently and she sat up quickly. "What!? What's the problem!?" Spinel shrieked. A hand grabbed hers and she looked to see Connie, "We found Y/ N on the porch. She was bruised and had cuts all over her. There were also signs of..." Connie paused, afraid to tell her boss the issue.

Spinel became invigorated, "C'mon, Maheswaran! What's wrong with my girl?" She shouted. Connie hung her head and sighed, "There were signs of rape and sexual assault." She finished. Spinel jumped up, a look of pure rage and anger upon her pink face. "Where is she!? Where's Y/ N!?" 

She saw Bismuth standing over you in the medical station, where Steven stood, healing your external wounds. You were barely conscious and you were very tired. Spinel ran knocking over some things in the process.

She gently put a hand under your back and held you up. "Y/N, honey?" Spinel said softly. You opened your eyes slowly. When you saw Spinel, you started to cry. "What happened? Oh, thank the stars you're okay! Wait, you are okay, right?"

You shook your head slowly, tears falling from your eyes as you reminisced everything. "What did they do?" She asked. Your eyes dilated in fear at the thought, "He...he...told me to be still and I was screaming and crying and  I-" you shook violently, terror and fear pumping through you.

You held onto your girlfriend tightly, shaking. Spinel hugged you and kissed your forehead. She was gonna make your abductors pay...

Spinel X Reader Oneshots (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now