2- The Shittest Day

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Sitting in the darkned corner of a club, Shawn Mendes looked down at the 4 tequila shots that sat on the wooden table in front of him, lifted the first to the sky and growled "Fuck you!" As he raised the glass to his lips allowing the clear liquid to burn a track from his mouth to his stomach

Today had been the shittest day of all shit days and if it took 100 tequila shots to burn the images he had been forced to view from his memory then 100 tequila shots he would drink.


Walking through his apartment Shawn continued to follow the sounds he recognised but couldnt place. This was his home, he had no room mate the entire place should be silent but instead here he was following whispered voices. He thought he recognised the male voice but couldn't make out the words and then the groans began. He for sure knew those groans, he was 22 years old and had been on both the giving and receiving end of those groans multiple times but it didnt make sense for him to be hearing them now, in his apartment. Walking towards his bedroom door he was surprised to hear a female moan mixing with a deeper voice, one word slipping from the males lips over and over 'fuck, fuck, fuuuuck'.
Shawn raised a hand as his heart began to beat wildly in his chest. Wrapping his hand around the door knob he took a deep breath and then pushed.

Raising his second shot glass to the sky he repeated the words he used previously

"Fuck you!" he almost spat the words this time before slamming the empty glass down on to the table and dropping his head onto his palms.

The liquid burned but he was well aware he was far from reaching the oblivion he craved.

Closing his eyes he fought against the images that were pushing their way back in to his mind. He was just about to reach for his third shot when a pair of small, feminine hands suddenly gripped him gently but firmly by the shoulders and began to massage.

He should have pushed the unknown hands away but the way they squeezed and rubbed his tense shoulder muscles was like some kind of black magic, immediately lifting the pressure in both his body and his mind, but as they snuck over his shoulders and down on to his pecs he was snapped from the spell and he took both hands in his much larger one.

Looking down he saw the perfectly manicured nails of a female. A layer of blood red polish covering them and inticing him to consider the marks they could make on a body as fragile as his.

Looking over his shoulder Shawn was met with black eyes and a delicate face surrounded by an abundance of black curls. He couldn't help but lick his lips as his gaze dropped to her perfectly formed, perfectly plump pout that again carried a layer of blood red gloss.

"I didn't give you permission to touch me" he growled whilst pushing her hands away from him much harder than he intended.

The girl walked around from behind him and dropped down on to the leather seat at the opposite side of his table.

"I don't remember asking your permission" she smirked and then reached out and lifted one of his shot glasses to the sky. "Fuck you" she said before downing the contents and then fixing him with the most seductive look he had ever witnessed. Even in his distressed state he felt his body react to her in a way he had never  experienced before.

Lifting the last glass he winked at the girl before him before raising it to the sky "Fuck you too sweetheart" and then he allowed the liquid to burn.

"Rough day?" her voice was sweet like honey and he thought he heard a hint of an accent but not strong enough to place.

"No, I have had a great day, in fact better than great, almost a day trip to Disneyland great. So great in fact I had to come to this club and order 4 shots of tequila to celebrate how great it had been"

The girl lifted a dark eyebrow and smiled

"Sarcasm, I like that"

"Well obviously my sole purpose in life is to please you darlin" he rolled his eyes and reached for a glass but then realized they were all empty.

"Sit" the brunette says as he began to stand. "This round is on me"

Sitting back down Shawn sighed as his companion lifted herself from the table and then headed off to the bar. Almost immediately she returned and placed a tray of 4 more shots on to the table, they both lifted one, clinked it together and said 'fuck you' a smile pulling at their lips

"So do you make a habit of massaging and stealing drinks from all the miserable fuckers in this place?" Shawn grimaced at the burn and replaced his glass to the tray

"Only the hot ones" she answered without even a hint of embarrassment

"What if I'm a serial killer?" he asked playfully "what if I saw you coming and laced that drink and now I'm waiting for the drugs to kick in before I have my evil way with you"

"A girl can only dream" was not the response he was expecting "Besides, what's to say I didnt drop something in to the shot you just had, do I really look like the type of girl you can trust?"

Shawn observed her for a moment, luscious black curls, the darkest brown eyes, beautiful full, kissable lips and a black cropped t-shirt that showed more than just a hint of the toned stomach that lay beneath and then leather jeans, pulling and enhancing her curves to the extreme.

Lifting an eyebrow and smirking Shawn leaned in closer and whispered

"Your plan is flawed"

The girl met his challenge and leaned in even closer still so their breath intertwined as he spoke slowly

"If I pass out, you are literally the height of one of my legs, what the fuck are you going to do with my unconscious body, because there's no way in hell you are lifting me.

The girl pushed back on her seat and looked Shawn up and down, licking her lips as she made no secret of the fact she was checking him out

"What would I do with your unconscious body? Hmm... Let me think about that" she bit down on her plump bottom lip and then twirled a strand of hair around her finger.
"Well I'm guessing theres rock hard abs underneath that t shirt, you look like you work out so I guess the real question should be what  wouldn't  I do to your unconscious body?"


"So, this Disneyland like day that you have enjoyed so much, do you want to talk about it?"

Shawn shook his head vigorously

"Nope, not in the slightest"

"Come on, maybe I can help and if not there's plenty more tequila where that came from"

Again he shook his curls declining her invitation to share his most intimate pain with a stranger



"I can help you. You just have to trust me"

"I'm sorry, you have this all wrong I mean, it's not that I wouldn't, because you are hot to the extreme but I don't really think a casual hook up is going to help me at this point"

"That's not what I'm offering"

"Well if it's drugs I'm not interested" she could tell that was a sore spot for him so she reached and covered his hand with hers to reassure him

"It's not a hook up and it's not drugs, although I promise you it's way more addictive than any drugs you will ever try. I'm offering you a way to end today feeling as though you really had spent time at Disneyland, like all your Christmases had come at once, like you had won the lottery, like you had died and gone to the most beautiful heaven...imagine all of those feelings rolled in to one. That's what I'm offering you Shawn, now do we drink up and leave or do you spend the rest of the night wallowing in your own misery all alone whilst everyone else gets on with their life around you. The choice is yours, but I only make this offer once"

*this story will contain very mature themes so be warned.

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