32- It's Going To Hurt But I love The Pain

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Walking in to Shawns work offices, Mila couldn't help the nerves that were buzzing throughout her body. She hadn't seen him in days, not since he called to end things with her and although she knew they weren't "together' as in a 'couple' she couldn't help but ache at his loss.

The eyes of his work mates fell on her as they usually did only this time instead of fearing her they looked as though they hated her and that feeling wasn't new but it was unexpected.

What was going on?

Had Shawn told them about their date?

Told them how lame she was and how he wasn't interested in her now he knew her??

Milas chest ached as her eyes begged for release but as usual she forced her mask in to place and put one foot in front of the other

"Where's Mendes?" She demanded, her voice trying it's best to sound strong and impatient

Groans and eye rolls echoed throughout the room as his colleagues made no effort to engage with her. No one scurried to put the kettle on, no one rushed to dim the lights to her favored setting. Instead they sat there like statues staring her down, challenging her and she felt sick to her stomach

"Mendes?" She questioned again and this time a black girl, she recognized from earlier meetings stepped forward. Her gaze met Milas, a fire there, challenging her, daring her

"Shawn isn't here, but you know that already" her voice was rough and strong, obviously ready to do battle but after the last few days Mila felt weak and ready to cave in

"I need to see him" her voice was weak, defeated, begging.

"I will kill everyone in this room before I let you anywhere near Shawn" Shells voice challenged Camila, dared her to present herself as the slut they all knew her to be but instead her gaze dropped to the wooden lino

"I need to see Shawn..." the emotion and confusion drowned her words as the woman before her knitted her eyebrows and gulped in a breath

"He's suspended, as you planned, he's facing criminal charges, facing losing his career and you turn up here asking for him?"

"I didn't do this..." it was all Mila could force through her windpipe before emotion gripped her tight around her throat

"I have seen the email, heard the voicemail, don't FUCKING LIE TO ME!" Shells voive was raised as her hands came down to rest on Milas shoulders

"He liked you when we told him not to, trusted you when we called him a fool and what do you do??? Destroy every part of his life that meant anything. He's a good man, he doesn't deserve this, but believe me, I'm going to make sure you get every single piece of what you deserve"


Walking to Shawns front door, Mila knew this was the breaking point, this was where she threw herself at his mercy, begged and pleaded in a way she never had before... With her clothes on.

She didn't know what had happened, why Shawn wasn't at work, why his colleagues blamed him but somewhere in her gut she knew she was to blame.

How had this happened? How had a man got so under her skin that she was willing to risk everything to save him?

She didn't know, didn't dare to ask but as she walked up the steps to Shawn's apartment she knew one thing. She wasn't walking away from this, even if every part of her fell into a million pieces, she was putting Shawn first.

Her fist sounded heavy on the wood, labored, it had been a long few days but as it finally fell open, Camila was surprised by what she saw

"Leave, right now"

"I'm Camila..."

"And I couldn't give a shit, turn around and go"

"I need to see Shawn"

"Oh you do, do you? And what is it you need to see? The black eye? The bruised ribs? The way he jumps when he hears the door go???"

"I just..." Camila tried to push the words from her brain, to dissipate the fog but her mistakes and her weaknesses swung full force and hit her in the face

"He doesn't need you in his life"

"But he wants me" the words were out before she had the chance to consider them

"I don't know if this will make things better or worse but please, I need to see him


Shawn shifted uncomfortably on his sofa, he heard Emily's voice, heard the irritation but he couldn't help but beg silently for Emily to stand back and let Camila enter. It had been days since they had spoken, days since they had fallen out but after Brent's visit all he could think of was her.

If Brent was so violent, so vicious. He had to be that way with Camila, right?! They were friends, they had dated there was no way he could hide this side of himself from her, and then Shawn's mind had begun to spiral.

If Brent could break in to his apartment, assault him the way he had, his vicious threats ran through Shawn's ears and polluted his mind. What could he do to a tiny brunette that had been at his mercy since she was a teenager?

Shawn didn't know the ins and outs of their relationship and he was pleased about that but Brent knew things out him that he shouldn't and Mila shrank around him in a way she never should

"Shawn?" Emily's voice was soft

"I need to see her" his friends hand dropped from his shoulder, her eyes telling him that she was the one she hoped he would need

"I know you don't understand, I know you probably think I'm weak and not in control but Emily I promise you, if I could walk away from this I would"

"Look at your face Shawn"

"It's nothing compared to my heart"

"We work with her, she's a bitch"

"I know her and she just... She's perfect for me"

"She's going to hurt you"

"And i'm going to love the pain"

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