30- Brent

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Milas groans filled the humid air of the room.

She was floating somewhere between conscious and unconsious, somewhere between awake and a dream, a dream and a nightmare

Her head hurt, she was aware of it but not enough to care, glancing around the gloom she tried to make sense of what was going on, where she was, who she was with but her brain was shrouded in confusion, her heart pounding hard within the cavity of her chest

She heard a voice but couldn't focus on who it was or where it came from before something soft and damp covered her face and everything faded away from her

Brent was angry, more than angry, he was murderous. Mila never disobeyed him never. Ever since she was 15 years old she had hung on his every word, jumped when he said jump, sucked when he'd said suck.

After just a few weeks and a few fucks with this new guy she had heart shaped eyes and was going against everything he said and he couldn't have that, couldn't lose control of the one thing he had always controlled

Looking down at her frail body now dressed only in the underwear she had intended for another man's eyes Brent fought the urge to bring his fist down hard against her flesh, that time would come, he knew it would, before long the images of her with that fuckin pussy of a pretty boy would prove too much for him to hold back and he would need to release them somehow, Mila would bare the brunt, as she always did and he didn't feel bad about that, safe in the knowledge she wouldn't even remember it.

Grabbing his phone and opening his camera he moved Milas body and then began taking shots. The navy blue underwear was sexy but not to his taste, as though she had dressed as someone else. The skirt and the sneakers had caused such a panic in his stomach that he had taken the scissors to them. Cutting each item in to tiny pieces and then trusting them to the wind

"Mila, Mila..." Brent whispered as he crawled across the bed to her unconsious form, she didn't respond, the moment was his

Reaching for her cheeks he pulled her face to his

"Whore" he whispered hot against her cheek, the unconscious figure didn't move, her chest just rose and fell as his temper burnt hot and then dropped to zero.

"I gave you everything and now I'm about to take everything from you


Pushing her self up from the bed Mila fought against the wave of nausea that swept over her and threatened to spill her guts right there and then

What the hell had happened? The last thing she remebered was kissing Shawn on her doorstep and now here she was in just her underwear feeling like she had been run over by a freight train

She searched her memory, hunting for clues but it was blank there was Shawn, there was soft kisses and then there was nothing.

Climbing from the bed, Mila grabbed a black t shirt from the drawer and then attempted to navigate her way to the kitchen and the pain medication and water her fragile body was screaming out for

Her legs were stiff and her hips screamed out in distress but by putting one foot in front of the other and ignoring the waves of nausea she finally made it into her lounge area


"Mila, how are you feeling honey?" he was up from the sofa, his arms wrapped around her before she had time to make sense of anything

"What are you doing here?" She pushed himself away from him and stumbled a little as she headed for the kitchen

"What do you mean what am I doing here? I have been here with you for 2 days, ever since the disaster of a date you went on"

Milas heart dropped hard into her stomach causing the nausea to win out and in seconds she was over her sinking, retching but with nothing in her to release except bitter bile

Wiping her mouth she attempted to control her heart rate as well as the sickness that was rising and falling in her stomach

"My date went great" her voice was weak and shaky and when Brent shook his head sadly she felt the first sting of tears

"Mila don't you remember anything? Shawn called after the date, just before you called me to come over. You were upset because he had decided to end things with you something about the sex being great he just wasn't ready for the rest of it, do you remember? "

"No!" her voice was more desperate than she had ever heard it as she tried to remember. He had kissed her on the doorstep promising a second date, he looked happy, she had felt happy. Why would he change his mind so quickly?

"I'm sorry Mila, I did tell you he wasn't the guy for you" Brent moved towards her but for once his presence wasn't bringing her the comfort it usually did, she didn't want him here, for the first time that she could remember she wanted some one else, but he apparently didn't want her.

She had shown him another part of her and he had turned and ran.

Again, she reached for the sink and retched but this time her body found a release as tears began to pour down her face, her entire body convulsing

"Would you like me to help you Mila?" She managed to shake her head "I'm the only one than can, you know that don't you" again she shook her head, aware that his body was right behind her, his heat burning into her back, his breath heating up her ear

"I..." Brents hands came down warm on to her shoulders and started massaging, causing the words the freeze in her throat. She didnt want this, she didn't want help she just wanted Shawn and if she couldn't have him she wanted to crawl under her duvet and cry for the rest of her miserable life

"Those messages were pretty brutal, no wonder it took 2 days to calm you down. I know it's always been about sex for you but to actually like a guy enough to go on a date with him and then have him decide he didn't want you...forget him Mila, he doesn't know what he's missing out on"

Brent's hands continued to press and pull her body but it wasn't relaxing her, in fact it was making her feel more anxious than she had ever felt before.

Panic was flooding her body, every word he whispered causing her heart to crack just a little bit more until she was sure there was nothing of it left.

Pulling away, Mila managed to use the kitchen counter to propel herself to the spot she always left her phone and picking it up she scrolled through, she had an answered call from Shawn about an hour after he had dropped her off and then nothing

Her heart was pounding so fast she was sure her rib cage was going to give way as she clutched her head in her hands and again Brent's fingers wrapped tightly around her shoulders

"It's just you and me Mila, it's always been just you and me" his words echoed around her head

'just you and me Mila, it's always been just you and me'

And she felt trapped, like an animal that had the jaws of a lion pressed firmly down on to its neck

*please remember this book isn't about sexual violence, that's not what's going on in this chapter

*I'm taking a bit of a break from this story to work on some other stuff but if you are enjoying it please comment, vote, share, whatever you can. Thank you x

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