35- Camila Versus Brent (Part 2)

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Sitting on her bed, Camila looked at her 'friend' who currently stood with his back pressed firmly against the wooden door. Her heart was hammering against her chest, her mind struggling to calm it's self enough to even attempt to guess what he had planned.

Their relationship wasn't sexual, hadn't been for years and yet when he looked at her now she could see nothing but want, nothing but heat and it was making her stomach turn as a world of terrifying possibilities flashed before her eyes

"Look Brent, just cut to the chase, what exactly do you want from me?"

"Everything" his blue eyes were impossibly dark as he took a step forward. "I want you to take off your clothes and give yourself to me. I want to go to sleep next to you, wake up next to you. I don't want to live a moment without you next to me... Don't shake your head at me!!!" Camila hadn't even been aware that she was but she immediately stilled every part of her as he walked quickly to her and grasped hold of her chin

"Brent!" She gasped but he pressed a finger to her lips.

"I wasn't asking you a question Mila, I was telling you how it's going to be. You are mine you have always been mine"

Struggling to pull her head free of his grasp, Camila wrapped her hand around his wrist and looked in to his eyes, begging him to see her, to see sense but his gaze was glazed as sweat beaded on his top lip

"We are friends Brent" his grip tightened as he refused to look away "Since I was 15 years old you have been my only friend"

"I fucked you like a friend did I?!" his voice was a growl as his grip once again tightened and her stomach turned at the memory

Camila, 15 years old, shy, the only Latina in her school, an outcast, something to be gazed at as though she was an alien being, not human at all. No one spoke to her unless it was to hurl insults, no one invited her to birthdays or on dates and then one day Brent appeared and he saw no one but her. He picked her out of the crowd and made her feel so special, like she was the only girl in the world, he had given her her first kiss, her first touch of a male body, her first orgasm but over the years he had taken something so much more

"You took Camila from me" her voice sounded strange as she tried to force it out through his grip "Shawn is giving her back to me"

Before she knew what was happening Camilas entire world span and she found herself flat on her back, Brent leaning over her, his grip and entire weight pressing down on her shoulders

"Shawn is giving you ideas above your station Mila. You exist only when I allow you to exist. Camila was a doormat" he released one shoulder and trailed a finger down her throat and over her chest, between her breasts and then wrapped the bottom of her shirt tightly around his fist

"You gave me Mila and I appreciate her Brent but I can't be her for the rest of my life. She's armour I put on to protect myself from the world, I wear her with a numbness but I don't want to be numb anymore"

Heaving her to him by the fabric of her shirt he laughed low and menacingly

"You will feel whatever I give you and nothing more"

"I already feel more than you could ever give me Brent, way more, for Shawn, I feel things you have never allowed me to feel before. You don't want to to hear this but Shawn and I, it's more than sex... I want from him all the things you just said you wanted from me. You can hurt him, you can hurt me but that's not changing what I feel in here" she pressed a hand to her chest where she felt her heart hammering hard below but just as she did Brent grabbed her hand and pushed it up behind her back causing her to scream out in pain as he flipped her over so she lay on her stomach whimpering in distress.

Straddling her from behind he jerked her arm harder behind her and dropped his lips to her ear "Pain, Mila, I like it rough, I would rather feel pain than nothing at all"


Shawns sneakers pounded across the darkened field as he ran harder than he ever had before. His heart was pounding as his chest blazed with exertion and his nails cut into his palm as he gripped his hands tightly in fists. Trust today to be the day he found his car with a flat tyre. Milas house was just up ahead, he couldn't quite see it yet but he knew he was getting closer

"FUCK!!!" He yelled loudly into the night air. Why would she confront Brent alone when she had seen what he was capable of? The message she had sent him had caused terror to grip ever inch of him.

Pushing on harder, he found he couldn't make his legs move fast enough, he couldn't close the distance quick enough. He wanted to scream her name loud enough that no matter what was going on inside of her apartment she knew he was coming, that if she just held on a few seconds longer he would be there with her but he knew it was pointless she wouldn't hear him, she wouldn't know he was coming for her.

Images flashed through his brain, a multitude of worst case scenarios pounding at his head.

"Camila..." her name came out on his ragged breath and as it hit the cold night air he felt that same terror seizing him once again

Rounding the corner he spotted her apartment. All of the lights were out. There was nothing but darkness, as he pounded up the stairs he laid his hands on the door and heaved in a few deep breaths but pushing against it he realised it was locked so he began hammering on it, kicking it, bringing his fist down on to it time and time again

"Camila! CAMILA!!!!" his voice sounded foreign in his ears "CAMILA!!"

He kicked and kicked and punched the door in such a wild panic he didn't hear it at first but suddenly something caught his attention and he stilled immediately.

The high pitched scream of a female was the last thing he heard before he dropped to his knees and then it became all he could hear as the world around him dropped away and it was just him, face to face with the agonising screams of Camila.

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