20- The Bitch Button

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"So am I being hauled off to jail or can I take my boots off?" Shawn walked down the corridor and in to the living room before stopping and eyeing the scene in front of him suspiciously.

Mila was on her knees, clutching the hand of an elderly lady that had Shawn locked in a gaze he feared might turn him to stone.

The woman's hair was thinning considerably but was styled to within an inch of its life, Shawn was sure it must have taken at least 2 entire tins of hairspray to achieve such a bouffant look and gold jewelry seemed to cover every inch of bare skin, starting with her ear lobes and dripping down her neck and circling her fingers and wrists.

There was enough of a similarity between the two women for him to realise they were related and anger pooled in Shawn's stomach as he realised he had just been cockblocked by a reject from Dallas.

"Karla?" Mila looked to Shawn and then back to her mother before standing up and straightening her night dress. She knew how this must look and how her mother would react, she would think she was a slut or a whore selling herself, she would never understand and Mila would never try to make her, instead she would just take the names, take the abuse and swallow them down but she knew before the night was out she would find herself choking on them

Mila opened her mouth to say something to her mother, anything, but as usual when it came to Cassandra Cabello, Mila struggled to find the words.

"So it isn't Mila or even Camila it's Karla" Shawn walked past the two women, reaching in to the fridge and pulling out another beer, popping the top before watching Mila and waiting for an explanation he knew would never come and he was correct, she remained silent, allowing her mother to speak for her instead

"My daughters name is Karla, with a 'K', but as usual she likes to hurt me by using the most disgustingly common name she can think of 'Camila'" She almost spat the word her voice held such disgust.

"Daddy chose Camila" her voice was quiet and unsure like a child's and Shawn had the sudden urge to pick her up and take her as far from the vile woman in the wheelchair as he possibly could but he had had a shit night, he'd hit his best friend for the second time, his hand hurt from the impact and he was tired and buzzed from the beer.

Moving his neck from side to side, he enjoyed the feeling of the muscles pulling. He was horny and agitated, seeing Mila in that night dress had his fingers twitching to take it off but the woman in the wheelchair was in his way and he had a funny feeling this night wasn't going to have a 'happy ending'

Sighing dramatically the woman looked to Mila as though she were dirt underneath her shoe

"Your father chose a lot of things for you Karla and you have disappointed him on every single thing. Imagine what he would say if he saw you dressed like this with a man like that in your house"

Shawn took a sip of his beer and then walked to the sofa and sat down, placing his feet on the coffee table and taking a long swig of his beer

"At least I can see now where you got your 'Bitch Button from'" he remarked and Milas mom gasped dramatically once more

"Okay, okay, leave some air in the room for the rest of us won't you" sarcasm dripped from his words as he rolled his eyes and huffed out a tired breath.

"Karla, who is this disgraceful young man? Tell him to leave right now"

"Sorry but no can do, we were just headed to bed" the buzz from his beer burned bright and for once he was tired of holding his tongue and being polite to people that didn't deserve it. The last night he spent with Mila had showed him what life could give to him if he didn't hold back.

"Karla!!!" her mother screeched and Shawn was surprised to find Mila still standing still, staring blindly ahead. She was scared of this woman and Shawn wasn't having it.

Slamming his bottle down on to the table he hoisted himself to his feet and then walked to Mila, taking her hand in his.

"Mila, this is your home, do you want your mother here or will I ask her to go?" his voice was soft as he pushed her hair from her face so he could look in to her eyes.

What was going on with her? This was like no version of Mila or Camila that he had ever seen before and it scared him, she was completely vulnerable, completely at her mothers mercy and not in a way she consented to or asked for


"You are the only one leaving, standing there with your greasy hair and your shirt undone thinking you look the hotshot in your own head but looking like a worthless bum to anyone that has eyes"

"Camila, just say the word and I will wheel her out in to the street and leave her there" he shot Cassandra a look that let her know he was completely serious, he would do it and never feel bad

"Karla, are you going to let him speak to your mother like this?!"

Mila lifted her eyes to Shawn's and he was sure he saw an apology floating in them

"No mama, of course not. Shawn, you need to leave" she said it whilst picking up his shoes and handing them back to him

"You really want me to go and leave you with this crazy old bat?" the look of smugness on the older ladies face causing a hatred he had never known the heat of to ignite with a vicious roar throughout him.

"I need to see to my mother Shawn, please go"

"And if you know what's good for you, you will never come back. My daughters entire life is a disaster zone, she doesn't need someone like you trying to drive a wedge between her and the only person that has ever loved her or been there for her now do as she says and go to hell! "

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