21- Turning Tables

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Mila stood before the full length mirror in her bedroom and gazed wearily at her reflection. Her dark hair fell all around her in glossy waves, her eye makeup was dark and smokey, her lips painted pink and pouty. Her cream, long sleeved shirt showed a hint on the lacy black bra that lay beneath and it was tucked in to black, tapered trousers that stopped just above her ankles.

She looked good, she looked hot, she took a breath and then spat at her reflection in the glass.

"Fuckin little weakling" she barked out loud.

Her mother had won, her mother always won. She knew exactly what to say to bring Mila crashing to her knees, how to look at her to dismantle any self worth she had managed to build up but usually she broke her into pieces in the quiet isolation of their family home, the one Milas father had left to her but her mother refused to leave.

Having a witness to her mother's behavior had never happened before and it had added a new level of shame to the situation but having it happen in front of Shawn was just about more than she could bare and she didn't even want to address the reasons why.

For two weeks she had avoided him until his phone calls and voice mails had stopped and he no longer turned up at her door, obviously now aware that she didn't intend to answer to him.

It had taken 3 days with Brent before she could even manage to drink a glass of water. He had stayed with her and worked with her, worked on her until she had felt strong enough to be left alone. She had taken 2 further days to fully recover before she was back on the phone and back in meetings, a new determination flowing through her veins to prove her worth and strength to anyone that dared to go up against her.

Leaving the spit to drip down the glass, Mila turned and picked up her purse before heading out to her first meeting of the day, the Sami Alvarez promotional campaign and the campaign manager... Shawn fuckin Mendes

Promotional Suite 1 Hour Later

Walking in to the Promotional suite like she owned the place, Mila eyed the 3 faces before her. No Shawn, that was good, that gave her time before they finally came face to...

"Ms. Cabello" She turned to see him enter, looking as hot as ever, he wore a black button up shirt with the sleeves pushed up to the elbows,and black business pants that hugged his ass perfectly, his curls fell across his forehead and she could tell he had arranged them like that. Even after she had cut him off completely he had made an effort to look nice for her, the way she had made a effort for him.

"Mr. Mendes" She replied curtly "Please don't sit down"

Shawn cocked an eyebrow at her

"You aren't staying"

All 4 members of the campaign team gasped and Shawn looked at her in complete surprise, once again she had managed to pull the rug out from under his feet

"This is my campaign"

"This is Sami's campaign" She corrected him before finally taking her seat. "I want a coffee, black no sugar and I want him out of this room before we go any further"

"Well it's nice to know your coffee matches your personality, dark and bitter"

"Shawn!" Shell grabbed at Shawns arm and pulled him in to the team "Shawn we need this campaign" the tall man nodded to his team knowingly "So I put in all the work, all the blood, sweat and tears and she just walks in here and kicks me off it for no good fuckin reason and you 3 just want to go along with it"

"You will still get credit, this is still your work"

"Damn right it is" Shawn pushed himself away from his team and headed across to where Mila and Sami sat, the woman grinning widely at the approaching man

"Ms. Cabello, my office please" her smile faltered for a second and then was replaced with a scowl.

"No" Was her cold reply, but Shawn wasn't having it, he reached down, taking hold of her arm and causing heat to flood every inch of her body

"I wasn't asking Ms. Cabello, my office now!" and without another word Mila slipped out of her chair ripped her arm out of his grasp and followed behind him into a large, immaculate office where he slammed the door shut and turned the lock, the click of it falling into place filling Mila with a desire she knew she was going to find hard to fight.

"What the actual fuck are you playing at?" Shawns hands were on his hips and his face was as furious as she had ever seen it, and in that moment she knew she had never seen a more beautiful human being

"You aren't up to the job" she stated before dropping down in to his chair and spinning around in it

"This isn't about the job, this is about your mother, you are embarrassed she humiliated you in front of me so now you are humiliating me in front of my team"

Mila just shook her head and laughed

"You think too highly of yourself Shawn, this is business, it's not about you, me, my mother, sex, none of that, it's about me being the employer and you being the incapable employee"

She lifted her feet and placed them on his desk, and then sighed heavily

"We want your campaign Shawn, we just don't. Want. You" She licked her lips and smiled smugly hoping he was taking the hint but he just smirked down at her and closed the gap between then

"You don't want me?" he huffed out a small laugh before reaching out a finger and drawing a line from her knee over her thigh and up to her hip bone "Liar, liar, thong on fire"

"Piss off Shawn" Was all she could say before he had moved behind her lowering his lips to her ear he whispered in a low growl

"You want me so bad you can't even see straight" his hand came over her shoulder and popped open the top button of her shirt and then the second and then the third, pulling it aside so he could see the black lacy bra that had been teasing him through the sheer material. A breath caught in Milas throat but she didn't move, didn't say a word, just dug her nails into the arms of his chair

Bringing down his lips he kissed just below her ear and then worked his way down her neck, at the same time his hand slipped into the shirt and under the thin lacy material of her bra as her nipples hardened beneath his fingers he whispered once more.

"What were you saying about not wanting me?" he used his hand to knead the soft but firm flesh as he ran his tongue from below her eardown her neck and bit lightly on her shoulder

"I'm on this campaign Mila" removing his hand from her bra he slowly did up the buttons and she let out a whine so he knew how unhappy she was to lose his touch so quickly

"And I'm coming over tonight"

"No" Her voice lacked conviction and he just laughed at the quivering wreck he had made of her

"I will be there at 8. Now come on you have a campaign to agree to"

Standing up, Mila adjusted her clothes before looking to Shawn and wondering where the hell the gentleman had gone. This new guy was dark and dangerous and had her wrapped around his finger in seconds. Oh how the tables had turned

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