29- Date To Darkness

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Shawn stood and stared at the women in front of him unsure as to what was going on. Gone were the blood red lips and nails, gone were the skin tight jeans and low cut top and in its place was the most beautiful human being he had ever set eyes on in his life. The long curls, the taught stomach the...sneakers????

He swallowed down a gulp before offering her his hand, the way she walked past him, ignoring the gesture made his lips curl, there was Mila, she may be toned down, she may be offering a different side of herself to him but she was there, bubbling below the surface, taunting him, challenging him, changing him

The drive to the restaurant was silent, she stared out the window, he stared at her and paid attention to the road only when necessary. He had wanted to date Camila, not the character Mila he knew and fucked but when Camila arrived, she was something else, something more than he could ever have imagined

"Wine?" He asked, trying to keep the temptation from his voice

"Like I'm going to make it through an entire night with you sober"

God he loved that sass, too much If he was being honest, Kam was all politeness and ease, Mila and Camila, he was learning were rude, edgy and fuckin sexy as hell.

The wine came just in time for them to order their starters, Camila complained about everything, Shawn sat back and let her before laughing loudly and calling her a brat, she fixed him with a gaze that promised punishment later and he couldn't help but love that looking like Camila with the sex eyes of Mila, perfect in every way

"So, Camila, you aren't happy, you hate everything including me but you haven't left, why is that?"

"I'm not an idiot Shawn, I will leave after the free food and drink" his laugh came out faster and louder than he had expected and he was surprised to see her smiling back at him too. Fixing her with a gaze he hoped looked intense he took a sip of his water

"So Camila Cabello, tell me about yourself"


Fuck, this girl was a handful

"OK, well then I will take the limelight thank you and introduce myself to you properly, Good evening Camila, I'm Shawn Peter Raul Mendes from Toronto, Canada"

Her eyebrows lifted at that bit of information

"Canadian, Eh?"

"Yeah, yeah everyone's a comedian" he said pretending to have heard it all before but secretly loving her making a joke at his expense "And you are from?"

"I'm from Cuba but Mama tell everyone we are from Miami"


"She's ashamed of who we are, where we came from" Mila couldn't believe she had just admitted that, no one knew the truth, not even Brent, to everyone she was just a Latin girl with a hint of an accent but to Shawn she had just admitted who she was, where she had come from and it had slipped out as easy as breath, the tension, the guilt that usually followed a slip up like that, showing any of her true self to another human being remained at bay, I stead of rising through her and consuming her, whispering obscenities and insults at her own expense.

The rest of the date went by just as easily, Shawn going out of his way to be kind and overlook her pouting and complaints and Mila slowly relaxing, letting him ask and probe and not running a mile, not giving much away either but it was a start and she liked it, liked the way he didn't push her for information or try and pull more from her than she was willing to give. Looking across the table in to his honey colored eyes, framed by thick, black lashes she slowly began to accept the truth, she actually liked this guy

Outside Milas Apartment

"So..." Shawn sucked in a breath and then released it slowly, knowing the answer to this might sting "Was it as awful as you hoped it would be?

Mila observed him for a moment, as though moving between truth and lie in her mind

" Well it was pretty terrible" the glint In her eyes told him she was lying and he couldn't help but grin down at her "I suppose the only way for you to rescue the evening is to come and make it up to me" the smirk letting Shawn know 'Mila' was back in charge but as she reached for her door handle his hand reached out and covered hers, pulling her closer to him and causing a gasp to catch in her throat

"I'm not coming in tonight" her lips quickly pursed together as a strong arm wrapped around her waist "But I am going to kiss that pout right off of your beautiful face" and before she could argue his lips were on hers, soft and warm and gentle, kissing her like she was precious and she wanted more of that feeling, needed more of it. She threaded her arms around his waist pulling their hips together and enjoying the way he groaned in to her mouth, she didn't deserve this man but fuck did she want him.

Pulling away she kept the pressure on his hips and whispered "Come in"her words hitting his lips, hot with promise and almost causing him to surrender

"I'm not" he stroked her cheek and tilted his head "I'm on a date with Camila tonight, and I don't think Camila sleeps with men on a first date"

"She maybe doesn't sleep with them but she sure as hell fucks them" Shawn chuckled and dropped his forehead to hers

"Hey Mila, you're back I see"

"What, I can't be Camila In the restaurant and Mila in the bedroom? I know you like me bad Shawn" lifting her head she kissed him hard against his lips and his dick pressed hard into her stomach

"Fuck. You love to make things hard don't you? Reaching down, Mila cupped him over his jeans and he let out a groan

" I like making you hard" she smiled up at him again and winked and that was all he needed to know he had to leave. He wanted to do this right, take her on a date, kiss her on her doorstep and then leave without fuckin her brains out but it was turning out to be harder than he had ever imagined.

"I'm going"

"Spoilsport" She pouted through the word and then smiled "Thank you Shawn"

"What for?"

"Taking me on my first ever date. I had an...okay time" she couldn't hold back the laugh that followed the statement

"Okay enough to consider a second ever date?

" Call me sometime" she bit back a smile and then turned and walked in to her apartment


The first thing Mila registered in the darkness was the fact that she wasn't alone, second was the feel of a hand tangling in her hair and dragging her down on to her knees, she tried to cry out tried to scream loud enough for Shawn to hear but instead a cloth was placed over her face and then came the darkness as she crumpled in to a heap on her loungeroom floor

"I told you to get rid of the pretty boy Mila" arms went under her body and scooped her up easily "I told you not to make me angry and look what you have gone and done. You have been a very, very bad girl Mila, and very bad girls must be punished" and with that the intruder and his unconscious pray headed down the corridor and in to Room 2.

*Okay, I haven't written the next chapter yet so if you want to make suggestions please do

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