13- Camila Cabello

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Shawn had waited in the club for 2 hours and there was still no sign of Mila, so downing a tequila shot for luck he'd said his goodbyes to Jason, bought a bottle of wine to go and was now stood at her front door, the very door he had bolted out of the previous week.

He wasn't sure why she hadnt turned up at the club when she had been expected to but he had a strong feeling that whack case Brent probably had something to do with it.

Knocking hard he held a breath in his chest as he calmed himself and prepared to grovel like he had never groveled before. Usually it was a girl begging him to give things another chance, in fact he couldn't ever remember being the one to beg but this time if that's what it took, then beghe would

As the door swung open he was just about to launch in to his apology when he observed the petite brunette before him and he began to panic. Her hair was loose and matted as though it hadn't been brushed for days and her eyes, although trying to focus on her unexpected visitor were black and wild and Shawn got the impression she was fighting a battle to stop them rolling back into her head. She wore a black bra and thong and Shawn had an immediate urge to cover her.

"Shawn!" she looked beyond excited to see him and as she threw herself into his arms he couldn't help but feel something was very wrong. The last time he had seen her she had been angry with him, walking away from him for what had felt like the last time but her she was looking at him as though he was the most precious thing she had ever seen and that felt...off

Guiding Mila through her apartment he sat her on the sofa before stripping off his blue denim shirt and easing her in to it. The way she let him move her and dress her without objection had him beyond freaked out.

He had never seen her like this and it was beginning to scare him.

Tucking her legs up under herself Camila rested her head on the back of the sofa and sighed contentedly, when more than 2 minutes has passed and she hadn't moved Shawn thought she had fallen asleep and was just about to lay her down when her eyes popped open and she started speaking at 100 miles per hour

"I'm so glad you came, I have been thinking about you non stop, Brent came over earlier and he said you guys had met, isn't he lovely? He's so good to me, he's been taking care of me because... 'mother issues' y'know but I thought I had blown it, Brent said you were with a friend but here you are"

Shawn attempted to keep up with the garbled tale she was spewing out at him but he just couldn't focus on anything other than her state.

Without warning she shot up from the couch and headed for the kitchen, Shawn followed closely behind afraid she could collapse at any moment. But instead she poured a glass of water and gulped it down greedily before refilling it and gulping it down once more.

"Mila... Do you feel OK?"

"I feel great, like really great" her face turned sultry as she took a step towards him and cupped him over his jeans "Do you want me to show you how great I feel?

Shawn hated that his body responded so easily to her touch but he knew if he was to touch her tonight it would be all kinds of wrong, something wasnt right with her, the way she looked, the way she spoke, the way she had just drank almost her entire body weight in water.

Removing her hand from his crotch he laced their fingers together and guided her back to the sofa.

"How long have you been in your apartment?"

"2 days with Brent and then... I dont know. What day is it today?"

"And do you feel OK because you seem... Out of sorts" that was putting it politely

"I'm fine, I always feel a bit weird after spending time with Brent he does things to me..."

"Mila please!"

"No, no silly not the sort of things we do, Brent and I don't have sex"

Shawn could have sworn the people in the next apartment could have heard his sigh of relief upon hearing those words. She didn't have sex with that loser... Thank fuck for that

"I mean we have, a long time ago but now it's just..." she leaned in close and Shawn was reminded of a small child about to tell a secret "Remember the first night you came here, the things I did to you?"

Shawn nodded and waited

"Brent taught me all of that and way, way more" she winked and then fell back on the couch giggling "That's all he does, teaches me new things, relaxes me, helps me to over come my mind because my mind is a pretty scary place Shawn"

As tears welled in her eyes Shawn reached out and took her hand

"You need a shower let me go run you one"

"Are you coming in with me?"

"No" it was firm, she knew not to argue, even after just one night she knew that tone of voice

"Yes sir" She looked down at her knees and stayed silent as Shawn went to the bathroom in room 2 and ran a steaming hot shower for her. He found body wash and shampoo and put them on the counter, returning to the living room and instructing her to clean up and wash her hair.

In the mean time he hunted for night wear that wasn't risqué but found nothing except shorts like she had given him the first night they met and an oversized black t-shirt, the thought that it might belong to Brent made his stomach turn so instead he pulled off his white t shirt and replaced it with the denim shirt she had just taken off.

When she came out of the bathroom naked from head to toe he took the towel from her hands, dried her off and then dressed her in the black shorts and his t shirt.

The shower seemed to have rallied her a little, her eyes seemed calmer and her body less fragile. Drying off her hair he quickly plaited it and found a hair band to finish it.

"There she is" he whispered whilst gazing down at her, something shifting in his chest the first hint of a feeling he couldn't put a name to.

Moving to the bed he pulled down the duvet and patted it, telling her firmly to get in and she obeyed, snuggling under the covers and sighing as though she hadn't slept in days


"Yes Mila?"

"I don't want to be alone tonight, will you please stay with me?"

To be honest he hadn't intended to leave her, he was planning on sleepinh on the couch until he was sure she was back to her normal self so he nodded and lay on top of the covers as she shuffled to lay her head on his chest and he snaked an arm over her shoulders pulling her to him and making a silent promise to keep her safe


"Mm hm?"

"My name's Camila... Camila Cabello. Only my real friends know that" and just like that she was fast asleep in his arms as he fought the urge to grin.

He was a 'real' friend to Camila, he liked the sound of that, almost as much as he liked the feel of her sleeping in his arms.


*dedicated to @roozhanr98 for kicking my arse to write another chapter today and being a real wattpad friend x

* I have just had a message and just want to let you know this story is not going anywhere near rape or sexual assault. None of my stories ever will.

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