17- Becoming A Man

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The scolding water from the shower lashed Shawn's skin causing him to yelp out in discomfort as it ran over his body, burning the array of erotic wounds.

Last night had been...intense, to say the least and if it hadn't have been for the shots of tequila that he had demanded Mila pour for him then he was sure he would have succumbed to the gentleman within him and he would have blown it once more but last night had been different, almost as though she had been planning it all day.

Admittedly it had taken him a while to get in to it, the familiar doubts nagging at his brain but as she sat cross legged on the bed, wearing her silk black camisole and shorts, sucking on a lolly pop, looking so innocent and so beautiful he'd found his mind wandering back to the presentation suite, each memory pushing him closer and closer to becoming the man he knew she wanted him to be.

The thoughts of her hands on 18 year old Sami Alvarez as she whispered what was most likely shit about Shawn in his teenage ears had been one provocation too many and as he sank his third tequila shot he had finally found his voice.

"Get on your knees" he'd repeated the words he had spoken in his daydream hours earlier, the one he had enjoyed just before his day had turned in to a huge pile of shit.

Mila had dropped from the bed to the floor in front of him without hesitation, excitement igniting in her eyes.

After she had made him cum the first time he had made her apologize over and over for embarrassing him, she had done as he asked and promised it would never happen again until her voice was hoarse and when she'd finally said it with enough emotion that he'd actually thought that she had meant it he'd demanded she go down on him again, as a way of making it up to him. This time he had grabbed handfuls of her hair, moving her at the pace he dictated and when she began to slow down he bucked his hips, forcing her to take more of him, letting her know exactly who was in control

When he'd cum for a second time he had already felt ready to go again and when five minutes later he'd cum once more Camila had looked up at him like she'd won first place at the Olympics, her lips swollen and red, wearing the wounds of the war they had just fought with his dick.

"Well, well, well, Shawn Mendes, I didn't think you had it in you" her voice had been teasing, reminiscent of her tone at his offices and just as the memory of her throwing his designs across the table at him began to enter his brain he propelled himself up, grabbing hold of the petite woman and then throwing her on to the bed so that she came to rest on her stomach.

"Give me one fuckin minute and you are going to have something in you" he growled illiciting a soft giggle from her. Reaching out, Shawn had grabbed the silk shorts and dragged them down her legs, throwing them to the floor and then pulling her closer to him by her ankles. Raising his hand he brought it down hard on the soft skin of her ass, over and over, each time berating her for giggling without his permission.

By the time Shawn had decided she had taken enough punishment her ass was red and he was more than ready to take her, so hooking an arm under her stomach he pulled he ass up towards him whilst using his other hand to push her chest flat to the bed.

He took a second to protect himself and then entered her hard from behind, pummeling in to her over and over until out of nowhere Milas cries of ecstasy had filled the room, the sound of her euphoric high sounding like angels singing in his ears and it had proved to be the undoing on Shawn as he came loudly for the fourth time that night.

Turning off the shower and reaching for a towel, Shawn couldn't help but grin, a sense of pride burned bright in his chest as he remembered how Mila had felt and sounded as she came, as he'd made her cum, as he'd finally become the man she had somehow known he could be.

Pulling on some gray, cotton shorts, Shawn quickly towel dried his hair before moving to the kitchen where he turned on the radio and made himself some coffee

When he'd left work yesterday he'd been sure he would spend the weekend moping over his failure. Reliving and regretting every second of the meeting but he wasn't, he didn't. In fact he felt lighter and more energized than he had in a long time.

Sipping his coffee, he grabbed his notebook and was just about to head out to his balcony to rethink some aspects of the Sami Alvarez campaign when he heard a light knocking on his door.

Setting his coffee down, Shawn headed to the entrance, pulling it open and then frowning in disbelief at the sight that met him.

Kam...his ex


... Fuck!

"Shawn I'm so sorry"

Before he could utter a single word the tall blond woman had flung herself in to his arms and was now pressed against his naked chest, her face wet with tears as she chanted out apology after apology

* Please remember everything is completely consensual

* please vote and comment let me know if you enjoyed it or if it was too much

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