14- Forgotten

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Camila woke up feeling like she had been hit by a bus. Her head pounded, her muscles ached and her throat was as dry as the Sahara. She looked around and was surprised to find she was in room 2 instead of being in her own bedroom which meant she possibly hooked up with a guy? But how? She didn't remember going out last night but she must have done because she was suffering a whole body hangover the likes of which she hadn't suffered in a long time.

Pushing the covers off of her body she seemed to have her suspicions confirmed when she realized she was wearing an oversized t shirt she didn't recognize and which smelt of cologne. She breathed in the scent.

Shawn! Was he here in her apartment? Had she hooked up with him again? Surely if she had he wouldn't have stuck around, he'd be too busy cleaning himself in bleach and committing acts of penance.

Pushing Shawn as far from her thoughts as possible she exited the room and headed for the kitchen and her medical supplies, she needed something to shift the headache before she could work out what day it was and where she was supposed to...


The tall brunette was sat on her sofa hunched over his phone and the joy she felt at seeing him was quickly replaced by annoyance as she remembered the last time they had spoken in the coffee shop


He knew her real name, how drunk had she been last night?

"Why are you still here?" she jutted out her hip and crossed her arms tight over her chest and Shawn just smiled as he realised she had woken up, her normal fiesty self

"I was just hanging around, waiting for you to return my t shirt" he grinned and Camila was just about to rip it from her body and throw it at him when she realised she wasn't wearing any underwear

"God, I must have been totally wasted to bring you back here" she huffed as she searched in a drawer for her medicine box, finding it she popped out 2 pills and then poured herself some water and sank them both in one gulp.

"What are you talking about?"

"Well I have a hangover the size of China, you of all people are standing in my apartment and I am wearing your clothes without any underwear, I think it's safe to say I drank too much and we hooked up last night"

"You dont remember?"

"It's called blackout drunk for a reason Shawn, I hope to fuck I didn't make an ass of myself in some bar again" she flung her hands over her eyes and then sat on the stool at her breakfast bar and tried to remember what she had done but her mind was completely blank

"You weren't at a bar last night Camila, I can't believe you don't remember, then again given your state when I got here maybe it shouldn't be a surprise. Did you take something yesterday like drugs of some kind, I won't judge you I promise"

"Oh like you haven't judged me enough already" she rolled her eyes at him and he stood up from the couch and walked towards her.

God he was hot, even with his fluffy bed hair he was by far the most attractive man she had ever hooked up with.

"You were all over the place when I got here, you can't remember anything about it, you hadn't been drinking, I think I'm within my rights to question if you had taken anything"

"You don't have the right to question a goddamn thing about me" she turned her head away from him hoping he would take a hint and leave but instead he just dropped himself down on to the stool beside her and placed a hand on her shoulder.

"I was worried about you last night"

"And now you don't have to be because I'm fine"

"Aren't you concerned that you don't remember anything at all? You say you hadn't taken anything and I believe you but don't you think that just makes it even more strange?"

"I think that I was tired, I had a long few days... "

"With Brent" he couldn't keep the bitterness from his voice

"How do you... I told you last night I guess"

"I met him last night"

"You and Brent??!"

"Camila we talked about all of this last night, how do you not remember?"

"Oh I don't know, does it even matter?" she pushed herself back up and stomped towards her bedroom. "I will get changed then you can have your stupid, cologne soaked t-shirt back and then you can leave...again, get as far away from me and my deviant ways as you can" The door slamming shut told Shawn that was the end of the conversation as far as she was concerned so he went back to his phone and continued searching through every social media site he could think of searching through every 'Brent' he could find. He didn't know what he was looking for but he knew without doubt whatever was going on with Camila lead back to him somehow.

*So I'm going to leave this story here for a while and focus on 10 years

*I hope you have enjoyed the updates and I havent messed things up too much by going off on a tangent

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