37- Fuck It All Away

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Tw for the word rape. Advice taken x

Taking a seat on Shawn's couch, Camila reached for a cushion and hugged it close to her. Today had been the second worst of her entire life, the first being the day she lost her father.

"How about you take a shower, put on some fresh clothes, I will order dinner and then we can talk?"

"I don't want to talk" She returned the cushion to the sofa as she reached for Shawn's t-shirt and pulled him closer by it "I want to fuck"

"Camila..." tangling her fingers she attempted to pull the t-shirt up over his body but he caught her hand and glared at her "Camila!"

"Fine!" She stood up and stomped across the living room towards the front door "Your not the only guy with a dick" reaching for the handle, Shawn was next to her and had her by the shoulders before she even recognized his movement

"I know today has been difficult, I can't imagine what you have been through but this isn't the way to deal with it"

"Maybe not but it's the way I choose to deal with it. Now will you give me what I'm asking you for or do I have to go and find it elsewhere?"

Shawn looked down at her, his gaze searching hers for truth. Her hands moved to his hips as his cupped her face

" Tell me how to help you" he whispered

"I want you to help me fuck it all away" her lips pressed hard against his "I want it hard" she kissed him roughly again whilst moving her hands to his ass "I want it messy" she pressed her hips tightly in to his "I want it as dirty as you you make it" she moved her lips to his neck and bit down hard and then kissed the teeth marks as he sucked a breath in through his teeth, completely unprepared for the feel of her teeth on his skin "I want pain, without love and then I want dinner and then we will talk, OK?"

Shawn opened his mouth to agree to everything but before he could her tongue was filling his mouth as her fingers tangled with his belt and he pulled away long enough to tear his t shirt over his head before she was on him again, kissing his face and his neck, her nails raking harshly down his back.

"Stop!" he demanded and she didn't, she kept at him, kissing and biting and scratching "Fuckin stop when I tell you to stop!" her eyes looked up at him from under her thick, black lashes and a smirk caused her lips to curl

"Yes Sir" she said seductively "Sorry Sir"

"I'm going to take your clothes off, I don't want to hear a sound from you and then I want you bent over the arm of my couch and I'm going to make you pay for biting me without my permission, got it?"

"Yes Sir"

Walking into his kitchen Shawn returned with a pair of scissors in his hand and Camila gulped down her excitement.

Taking the scissors he proceeded to cut from the hem to the neck of the plain black t-shirt she had been issued by the hospital when they had examined her and the police had taken her clothes as evidence. He never wanted to see her in these clothes again and cutting her out of them seemed as good a form of foreplay as any.

Pulling it down over her arms he threw it towards his rubbish bin and then got down on his knees and proceeded to cut the black track pants from her body.

She was underware free as the police had taken that as well so as the last bit of fabric hit the floor she was stood before him completely naked. Reaching up he released her hair from the elastic band and her curls fell over her shoulders and covered her breasts

"Move your hair. I want to see" she flicked her hair over her shoulder and he groaned loudly and he dropped his jeans to the floor and stepped out of them. "Over the arm of the sofa now, I don't care if you are ready for me or not because I'm ready for you, you can take a little bit of pain can't you? It's what you asked for after all"

Strutting to the sofa, Camila stopped briefly to look at him over her shoulder "I can take anything you can give" and with a wink she bent of the sofa, spreading her legs to grant him access and knowing this was going to be anything but gentle and she couldn't fuckin wait.


"Why's it always sexual with guys?" Asked Camila through a mouthful of pizza

"What do you mean?"

"Well Brent and I have been friends for so long, things start to go wrong and the first thing he wants to do is rape me. If I was a guy he would have just hit me but no, I have a pussy between my legs so it has to be rape, it just pisses me off"

Shawn took a second to compose himself before answering, her bluntness never failing to shock him

"Well first of all he did hit you" his eyes dropped to her split lip and the bruise that was beginning to form on her cheek bone and second, rape is about control and he is obsessed with controlling you"

"Yeah well, touch me like that when I haven't asked you to and apparently I get a little bit violent" she giggled but it was forced, in truth she didn't know where she had found the strength to fight Brent off, all she knew was as soon as his intentions became clear she had become a wild animal, kicking, biting, hitting him with any object she could lay her hands on. Her favourite lamp had knocked him unconsious and left her fearing that she had killed him but the hospital informed her that he would make a full recovery and that both pleased and horrified her at once

"Are you thinking about him?" Shawn reached and touched her hand and she took the opportunity to tangle her fingers with his

"He said some stuff" Shawn nodded "I just don't know what's true and what isn't"

"You don't have to work that out right now. Why don't you eat and then shower and then we will sleep"

She wiggled her eyesbrows at the word sleep and he shook his head

"Sleep as in sleep"

"I don't feel like sleeping, I feel like fucking you again"

"Your mouth is filthy"

"Just like the rest of me" she winked whilst sinking her teeth into her pizza slice

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*Guess who's back next chapter...

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