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chapter 13

Dancing, smoking, kissing, and fucking surrounds the devasted young CEO, now more or else she might lose that title.

Little did she know that someone's watching her.

"Hey, hottie. Did someone break that precious heart of yours?" An unknown guy sits beside her. "Let me help you with that, babe." The unknown guy snakes his arm around Y/N's waist that alerted the certain someone.

"Get lost, asshole. Don't fucking need you." Y/N said between hiccups and for sure she's drunk.

"Come on, babe. I can make you feel a lot better." Y/N throws him a disgusted look before standing up and walking away from him not forgetting to kick him where it hurts the most.

But, that didn't stop the guy from following Y/N. He followed Y/N who is now going to the bar's restroom.

The guy pinned Y/N to the wall near the door of the restroom.

"Babe, I like that. Such a bad girl— so festy." The disgusting looking guy (that's how Y/N describes him) kissed Y/N's neck that made her to kick his balls again, but he prevented it. "If you keep doing that, I might not be able to give you babies."

"And who the fuck said she wants your fucking baby, asshole?" Before he even takes a glance who the heck talked behind him, he's already on the floor with a bloody nose and bruised lips almost knocking him off.

"You're safe now. I'm here." Her savior's voice makes Y/N sober.

What the fuck? It's her. It can't be.

Before she can even react, she was dragged by her savior to somewhere she's not aware of.


"Y/N? You okay?" Y/N can't utter a single word because of the person right in front of her. She got mixed feelings, don't know if she wants to scream at her, or just hug her and tell her how much she loves and misses her.

"What do you think?" She moved back away from Lisa— yes, it's her, it's Lisa. "After all those things you've done to me? And you're fucking Entertainment! What do you think, Lisa!?"

Yes, maybe Y/N's drunk, but you'll never stop the pain, it's still there, even how many bottles of beers you drink, how strong the alcohol content you drank has, the pain will never disappear. The person that causes it may vanish, but never the pain they caused.

"I'm so sorry, Y/N. Please, for now, let me take you home first." Lisa tries to get close to the drunken girl with a broken heart and a ruined name.

"No! Go away! I don't need you!" Y/N blocked Lisa using her arms, but Lisa keeps trying to hold Y/N.

"Please, Y/N."

"What do you want this time, Lisa? Is the damage you've done is not enough?" Y/N feels weak that made her sits down on the ground but Lisa catches her.

"Please, Y/N let me take you home." Y/N unconsciously nodded her head a yes, she wants to refuse her, but she's too weak to argue with her right now. Too weak, too drained, and too broken.

Lisa immediately carry the now unconscious CEO to her car to take her home. Not in Y/N's family house, she'll take her back to their apartment.

"All I want is to love you, Y/N. I'm sorry if now I'm showing you the exact opposite of what I want to show you and to make you feel. I'm so sorry if I'm such a coward, that I can't fight for you, I'm such a coward to fight for us." Lisa caress Y/N's hair that she usually does when they're laying in the living room, chilling and binge-watching Netflix series or movies.

"I love you, Y/N. Now, even just for a night, let me make you feel how much I love you." Lisa kissed Y/N's forehead, then she started the engine of the car and start their way back home.

Back home...


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