Chapter 1 - Surprise Surprise

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Of course they would. They do this almost every year. Once again, I would be forced to move to a place I had no interest in being. And in the middle of the school year. What a great Christmas present. All because of their stupid jobs.

My parents have always wanted to move to England and work for the Ministry of Magic. My whole family has worked at the ministry basically since it was created. Well, until my grandparents decided to move to America during the 1940's in order to give my family a "fresh start". 

I loved it here at Ilvermorny. Everything here made so much sense. Being in Thunderbird, my current house here, felt right. My friends made everything so much better. Whether it was running around the school grounds, or casting jinxes on each other, we were always having a good time.

Or at least until my parents got the job they had wanted at the Ministry of Magic.

"y/n, you don't need to be so upset. This is a new journey!" My mom exclaimed as she tossed more of our things into luggage. She wanted to travel to England by plane instead of just using magic. 

"Mom do we have to go the no-maj way? It's so much easier to just use magic." I complained as I fiddled with my wand. My wand was a hand-me-down from my grandfather. He had been such a strong wizard and when he passed away, he had left it to me. It was 10 inches long with Jackalope Antlers as its core. It did it's job and I felt like there was a mutual respect between us.

"Baby, where we live it would be weird if we just up and left. We are so apart of this no-maj community that if we disappeared people might worry. So we are going to send all of our stuff to our new home while we go in a plane." My mom slammed the door of the car. "That should be all of it." She smiled down at me before flicking her wand, causing the car to disappear. 

"Do we really have to go?" I thought that maybe if I pleaded with her enough times, she might just settle for a job working for MACUSA. 

"Yes we do. Our whole family lives there. Just you wait I'm sure that you are going to love it there I promise." She tapped the top of my head with her wand. Of course she would pull the stupid family card. I rolled my eyes as I walked back into the main part of our house. We had just been in the garage. As I took a step into the house, my dad rushed past me and into his office. Unlike my mom who was supposed to start at the Ministry next week, my dad had started two days ago. He was constantly flashing back and forth from the Ministry to our house. 

"Yes of course sir I'll be there in just a moment." He said as he slammed his office door behind him. He had been working as an Auror and I guess there was something huge happening. I had overheard him talking about a man named Sirius Black and how he had escaped some prison. 

"Mom can I at least go say goodbye to my friends?" I inched my way towards the front door, ready to book it over to my friends house.

"Sure dear." She smiled at me as I ran out the door. There were three people I had to say goodbye to. My chest started to heave from running so fast but I had to get to Alexa's house. As soon as I made it to her front door, I rapped on it and waited for her to pull it open. I stood there for a solid minute before she pulled open the door. 

"y/n!" She smiled as she pulled me into a super tight hug. "I didn't think I was going to be able to say goodbye." She let me go before punching me in the arm. "I'm gonna miss you so much." 

"I'm gonna miss you too, Lex." I said. "I'm about to go head over to Elise and Darius' houses. Do you wanna come?" I said as started taking several steps backwards. She nodded her head before sticking her head back in the house.

"I'm going out! I'll be back in a few hours!" She said as she slammed the door behind her. Anytime we weren't at Ilvermorny, my friends and I were always doing something in the neighborhood. This would be the last time that I would be able to do this though. 

"So what do you think school will be like without me?" I asked as we started heading towards Darius' house.

"Super boring. Who is gonna make potions not boring? I know Elise is going to miss you more than any of us." Alexa jogged ahead of me before turning around. "You better send us letters. I'll hurt you if you don't." She laughed as I rolled my eyes at her. She had light brown hair and hazel eyes. Boys at Ilvermorny were constantly throwing themselves at her even though she wasn't interested. She has always had a more slender body than I did and I tried really hard not to be jealous. 

"I promise a million times over that I will keep in contact. I doubt Hogwarts will be as cool as Ilvermorny though. A boring old castle is a boring old castle regardless of where it is." We laughed as we walked up to Darius' front porch. He pulled open the door before we even had a chance to knock.

"Last day ladiessss!!" Darius was tall. Very tall. He made me feel like a lawn gnome. 

"Are you sure you're gonna miss me when you've got this guy to keep you company?" I said as they did their quick handshake.

"Of course we are going to miss you. We aren't crazy." Darius said as he shut the door behind him. "Let's go get Elise. You know how much she hates being the last one to get picked up." 

"Wanna race there?" Alexa said as she hopped in front of us. 

"Of course we do." I said as we all lined up on the sidewalk. "Three, Two." I glanced over at Darius. He smirked at me. "One."


Hello Readers! I'm Kai and I just wanted to pop in and say that you for choosing my story. Currently I'm trying to make what happens as close to the book as possible but I am going to have to stray at some points (as fanfics usually do). I also wanted to say that if you are here for y/n and Draco interacting, it takes a moment to pick up since I'm a sucker for detail but don't worry they do meet and there is tons of dialogue between the two. I really hope you enjoy my story, as I will continue to write a decent amount of long chapters. Enjoy :)

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