Chapter 11 - Breakfast

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"I knew we were going to get caught." I said as we turned and hurried in the direction of the common room. I was suddenly very concerned that we would get caught again. "What happens if we get caught?" I looked up at him and he looked around nervously.

"We lose house points. Which is not ideal in any way whatsoever." we rushed past another courtyard and down the dark hall that led to our common room. We were finally home free. I made sure to keep an eye out for anybody who could've been a professor.

"Where's the secret passage." I blew past him as he slid to a halt in front of the wall.

"Pureblood." He said as the passage opened. We both ran inside and let the wall reform. I laughed as I collapsed onto the couch closest to the girls dorm. Draco joined me on the couch as he slumped into a relaxed position.

"That was fun." I said as I looked over at him. "I mean not the part about getting caught by that teacher but other than that it was pretty exciting." My body ached from running, so sitting down was like a blessing in disguise.

"That was quite exciting wasn't it." We both were still breathing decently hard from all the running and probably adrenaline from getting caught. "It was definitely more fun than having Crabbe and Goyle follow me around. They are horrible at running." He ran his ran through his hair before standing up. "We better go get dressed for breakfast." He started walking towards the long hallway that sat in front of me. "See ya." He said, disappearing as he jogged up the hall. 

He was so different than everybody acted like he was. Everybody acted like he was the devil incarnate but, at least around me, he just seemed like any ordinary, sarcastic, and fun person. Of course he did have his little issues regarding cheating and the whole ridiculous blood status opinion but I was sure that I could probably help change his mind. 

I stood up and walked all the way up to my new room. Jackie was still passed out on her bed, snoring away. I rolled my eyes as I grabbed a set of robes. The green accents and Slytherin patch had somehow been added to them and I honestly felt very satisfied with them. I took them into the bathroom and quickly changed into the dark fabric. I fixed my pony tail and made sure it was securely tied back. Staring in the mirror felt weird. 

A bang at the door startled me. "How long are you staying in there?" Jackie's voice was slightly muffled due to the door. I pulled open the door and saw Jackie standing there with her uniform slung over her shoulder. She looked down at my uniform before looking back up at me. "Really rocking that skirt, aren't ya?" She said as she raised her eyebrows.

"I'm not usually a fan of skirts but it works for now." I shrugged my shoulders. The black bottoms I had put on hung around the top of my knees. The long socks were certainly not something I would've chosen to wear. I also normally strayed away from mary jane shoes but these were okay. I had pretty small feet so the uniform made me look like a toddler. 

"Oh hush you look better than most students here. A lot of em don't even bother with lookin as great as you do today." Jackie took a step into the bathroom. "Now if ya don't mind I'm goin to get ready for the day." She smiled at me before shutting the door. I glanced down at my watch and saw breakfast started in about five minutes so I decided to pull out a piece of paper and start my letters to my friends. I only was able to write down each of their names before Jackie came bursting out of the bathroom.

"Breakfast time?" I said with a smirk. she nodded as she grabbed my by the elbow and dragged me all the way down to the common room.

"Breakfast here is by far the best food I've ever had." Jackie released my elbow as we walked towards the open passage that lead to the hallway.

"Does it change everyday?" I asked as my stomach started to growl. I didn't realize how hungry i was from hanging out with Draco this morning.

"Yeah it does. Yesterday we had these huge waffles that were almost bigger than the plates." Jackie said as we both walked into the dining hall. She kept talking about food as we made our way to the same seats we were in yesterday. As soon as we sat down, plates full of food appeared on the table. There were pancakes and bowls of oatmeal along with trays of bacon and pitchers filled with syrup.

"This looks so good." I said as I picked up a pancake and pulled it onto my plate. "I don't think I've ever had a pancake this big." I started to cut it up into small pieces before pushing them to one side to make space to pour some syrup.

"Hey Ilvermorny." A high pitched girls voice came from my right. I glanced over to my right to see a girl with brown hair. It was pulled up into a high ponytail with two strips in the front that hung down past her shoulders. She sat several seats away from me and on the same side that Jackie was on. "Enjoying your food?" She cocked her eyebrow and I felt like she wasn't starting a friendly conversation.

"I am." I said as I stabbed a piece of pancake and dipped it into some syrup before putting it in my mouth.

"Good to know." She looked away from me and continued eating. I glanced around at who was near her and saw Draco sitting across from her. A ping of jealousy rose in my chest but I quickly shook it off. I slowly ate the rest of my food as Jackie rambled on about how much she absolutely hated the idea of a status quo. I nodded every so often so she knew I was listening, I just couldn't bring myself to actually say anything. There was something so strange about the way that she acknowledged me. It made me feel like I was being observed. Of course the weirdest part thought was that Draco still has yet to talk to me in front of the others. I knew that I haven't said anything either but clearly there was something going on.

Once breakfast finished, Jackie suggested that we go back to our dorm since she wanted to get another nap in before she shows me all the cool places to go mess around on campus. As soon as we got back to the room I glanced around in the hallway before shutting the door.

"Who was that girl who called me Ilvermorny at breakfast?" Jackie had already tossed herself onto the bed.

"Pansy Parkinson. She's ridiculously in love with Draco it's almost sad." Jackie tossed her robes onto a wooden chair that sat in front of the matching wooden desk.

"Clearly she hangs out with him often so is it really that much of a stretch to say he likes her back?" I moved Jackie's robes onto my bed as I sat down in the wooden chair.

"Why does it matter?" She sat up and looked at me before raising her eyebrows. "Where were you this morning?" She covered her mouth as I stood up.

"I maybe possibly might've been with Draco going on a morning run?" I shrugged my shoulders. "He saw that I was lost last night and brought me back here. He then asked if I wanted to go on a run." Jackie stared wide eyed at me.

"You like him don't you?" She laughed as she jumped off the bed. "Miss Goodie Slytherin likes one of the most hated boys at Hogwarts? Oh the irony." Jackie sat back down on her bed.

"No no you've got it all wrong. I just want to be his friend and maybe help him not be so-" I tried to find a word but nothing came to mind.

"Evil?" Jackie laughed as I rolled my eyes.

"He's not evil." 

"Whatever." She rolled back onto her bed and pulled the covers up to her chin. "Wake me in an hour or two. There's some really cool places I'd like to show you." She then turned on her side and after about a minute she was snoring away peacefully.

I took the few minutes I had as she was falling asleep to really try and think about how I was feeling. Did I actually like Draco Malfoy or was I just finding him attractive? A part of me worried as I let my mind imagine a situation where he and I started dating publicly. Pansy would probably torture me; Ron, Harry, and Hermoine would probably never trust me (even though they probably didn't anyways after I got put into Slytherin); Brooke would most certainly tell her parents who would tell my parents and I doubt they would want me dating somebody with his reputation.

Clearly there was only one option. 

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