Chapter 24 - Late Nights

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He pulled away for a second before placing his forehead on mine. My eyes stayed glued closed as I went over the kiss again and again in my head. I went over how his lips felt on mine and I couldn't help but smile. My first kiss was with Draco Malfoy.

"Do you want to get going? The others could come out soon." He whispered. The sound of his voice made my heart dance in my chest.

"That's probably a good idea." I chuckled as I stood on my tippy toes and kissed him again. This kiss was more of a peck, but still thrilling all the same.

"Come on y/n. Let me get you back to your room." He took my hand and started leading me back down the stairs. Everything felt so wondrous. I tried to see if I could feel Draco's emotions, but all I felt was my own excitement. He felt like a cure to whatever was making me empathize. With him I wasn't just the girl who could feel hack into your emotions, I was me again. Just regular old y/n.

"I can't believe we got caught back there." I laughed as we walked onto the moving stairs.

"Me either. It's probably only a matter of time before they spread that around." He turned to me. "How do you feel about the whole public thing?" He kept a solid hold on my hand.

"I'm okay with it. I just love sneaking around with you." I smirked at him.

"I do have to admit that is fun." He laughed as we walked down the stairs. "Can we talk more about it tomorrow then? Because I'm willing to bet they won't keep quiet about what they just saw." He ran his thumb along my inner wrist.

"Yeah they probably won't." I took a long breath. "I mean going public is fine with me it just feels weird to have everybody hate me so quickly. I was really popular at Ilvermorny so it's weird to come here and be somebody nobody likes." I said as I hopped off the bottom step.

"Yeah I understand. But that's what happens when you decide to hang out with me." He held my hand as we walked towards the the Slytherin house, passing a few people on the way. He didn't even flinch when they looked at us funny. 

"It's worth it then." I purposefully bumped my hip against his and he chuckled as we turned down the hall.

"You are going to find out very quick how dangerous it is with me." He let go of my hand and winked before saying the passcode. 

"Dangerous sounds like fun." I said as I followed him into the common room. "Do you want to sit down and just hang out until lights out?" I took his hand and pulled him over to the couch. 

"Only for a few minutes. I want to go to bed early today." He said as he collapsed down on the couch next to me. He placed his arms around my shoulder and I cuddled into his side.

"Do you remember my first day here, you walked with me all the way to the front door?" I said as I played with his tie.

"I do remember that. You seemed impressed at how big the school was." He used the hand that was around me to draw circles on my side.

"Well yeah. I figured that it would be just like Ilvermorny and that it wouldn't actually be interesting. Boy was I wrong." I chuckled.

"You certainly were." He said as he stopped drawing circles. "That first day of you being in the Hospital Wing, I was so worried. I remember sitting there with Pomfrey waiting for you to wake up. I know we didn't know each other that well then but for some reason I was so drawn to you." He shifted so that I could cuddle closer to him. "You make me feel less alone." He whispered.

"I woke up to the sound of your voice." I said as I looked up at him. "You sounded so upset that I was an empath."

"Honestly, I was just worried that you could tell how I was feeling." He sounded humorous.

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