Chapter 7 - The Sorting Hat

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The sun had set by the time we got to the school. I woke up to Brooke shaking me awake. I opened my eyes and rubbed them.

"y/n come on." Her dark colored hair hung around her shoulders. "We are here." She walked out of the room and once again I was alone. I figured I would be alone a lot. I scooped Penny out of my lap and gently placed her into my pocket as I stood up. I slowly walked out of the compartment only to bump into Draco, who I guess had been basically running down the isle. 

"Watch it." He said before looking at me. "Oh sorry I didn't realize it was you new girl." I reached over and picked up his bag he had dropped.

"Don't worry about it bachelor." I smirked as I handed him his bag. he clearly seemed annoyed at his new nickname but I didn't care. 

"Are you ready to go see which lame house you are going to get into?" He slung his bag onto his shoulder before letting me walk in front of him.

"Wait so which houses are lame exactly?" I asked as I glanced back at him. He looked at though he had been sleeping. Only now had I noticed the bags under his eyes. 

"Every house that isn't Slytherin." He chuckled as we both walked off of the train.

"Guess I'll just have to ask for a not lame house then." I winked at him as we both made our way inside.


Once inside of Hogwarts, an older looking woman approached me. She had a wide brimmed hat and a dark colored dress. Her nose was hooked and her eyes seemed dull.

"I assume you are y/n y/L?" She reached out her hand for a handshake. "I am Professor McGonagall. I will be the one to show you around the main areas of the school and then at dinner we will pull out the sorting hat and sort you. Sadly we are still on break so only some of our students will be able to welcome you." I took her hand and shook it. She then turned away from me and started walking down the huge stone hall. Brooke was right; it was freezing here.

"So when does school actually start?" I rushed up besides her.

"In a week." She continued to show me around to where each of the houses stayed, which took quite a minute since the stairs MOVED. Like one second they were there and the next they were moving across the room. She showed me where the bathrooms were and made sure that I knew which area's were off limits. By the time she had finished with the tour it was nearly 7. McGonagall led me to the dining area and showed me that each house had their own long table. Currently, around 10-15 students stat at each table, seemingly waiting for a meal to appear. 

"Alright dear lets head up to the front and once Professor Dumbledore joins us, we can get you sorted and on your way." She smiled at me before leaning over so she could speak without others hearing. "Would you like me to introduce you to some of the students?" 

"Yes please." I said as I eyed Brooke over at the Ravenclaw table. She had to be surrounded by at least four people, all of them laughing. I don't think she saw me.

"This way." McGonagall led me towards what I assumed to be he Gryffindor table. She walked up to a group of three, one red headed boy, a boy with darker hair then Brooke, and a girl with wildly crazy brown hair. "Harry, Ron, Hermoine, this is our new student from America. If you could allow her to sit with you before she gets sorted that would be fantastic." They all nodded. "Good." McGonagall motioned for me to sit across from the three of them so I did. The tall woman rushed away out of the dining hall.

"So you're from America?" The girl, Hermoine, said with what I could only describe as curiosity.

"Yeah I am." I played with the hem of my robe.

"That's pretty cool." The red head, Ron, said as he poked Harry in the side.

Then it hit me. Harry? Gryffindor?

"Oh my god are you Harry Potter?" I said enthusiastically. He nodded before speaking.

"Yeah I am." He lifted up the black hair that dangled over his forehead to reveal the scar. I didn't actually think I would meet him.

"What's it like at Ilvermorny?" Hermoine interrupted. I figured it was because Harry probably didn't like talking about his scar.

"It's great. I loved it there. I had to move here because my parents got a job at the Ministry." I said. Ron looked so out of it while the other two seemed slightly more interested.

"Why did they move to the ministry? Isn't there a place to work in America?" Hermoine almost seemed on the edge of her seat. I chuckled.

"Yeah it's called MACUSA but my parents refused to work there since my more extended family has always worked here." I played with my pinkie. "So what is there to do here? Anything fun?" All three nodded.

"There's tons. The whole school is quite the place to explore. Plus we have a quidditch match coming up between Slytherin and Ravenclaw." Ron said with wide eyes. "My vote is on Ravenclaw. Slytherin doesn't deserve to win. Dirty cheats." Ron eyed somewhere in the distance and I was able to follow his gaze to Draco, who had two boys at his side. 

"Who's that?" I asked trying to sound absentminded. They looked at him with such distaste.

"Draco Malfoy." Hermoine said with distaste. "He's a prejudice stuck up rich kid." She looked down at the table.

"He called Hermoine a-" Ron looked around, "A mud-blood." He shook his head and I could tell that the word really hurt her.

"Wait your parents are no-majs? I mean muggles." They all chuckled.

"You call them no-maj in America?" Harry said. He had the most distinct green eyes I had ever seen in my life.

"Students!" A loud voice quieted the whole room. I glanced up to the front of the room and caught sight of a very old looking man. In front of him sat a stool and a battered looking hat. "Today we have a new student joining us." He looked right at me. "y/n y/L would you please come join me up here." I stood up with my head raised in the air. I walked towards him and he smiled down at me. "Here." He said as McGonagall, who had been standing at his side, lifted the hat from the stool. I sat down and found Draco in the crowd. He winked at me as McGonagall placed the hat on top of my head.

Quite the confident one aren't ya? A voice in my head spoke so clearly I almost jumped. You've got quite the cunning though, you aren't afraid to take risks to protect those close to ya. Not even going to mention your need to search and find something to keep your hands busy. You know what they say, Idle hands make a great...

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