Chapter 16 - Life in Medical

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The days felt as though they were getting longer with each day I sat in that bed, wondering what my friends were up to. I imagined they were going on some fantastic adventure or fighting some horrendous beast, but in reality I knew. I knew that they all were just too busy or afraid to come and see me. 

Over the last few days, Draco had visited around maybe four times and had sat with me while I read or talked about Ilvermorny. He was so much nicer when people weren't around. I figured he was embarrassed to show off his more sensitive side but I didn't want to confront him about it just yet. I was too happy with him here to chase him away.

A few times he let me try to empathize with him but I often just ended up staring at him, pretending I was trying to get into his head. Honestly I think he knew what I was doing, we just didn't mind. 

He never talked much about himself besides who his father was and how much he loved his mother. I could tell family was a sensitive topic so I tried to avoid asking about it. Instead we talked about me or about school. He told me about all the teachers here and he would keep me updated with what was going on in the wizarding world.

Madame Pomfrey refused to let me leave, even though the bump on the back of my head was basically nonexistent. She used the same excuse everyday. "You will just be back here by noon." I knew that what she was saying was probably true but boy did I miss sleeping in my own room. Pomfrey took good care of me and she always made sure my clothes were clean. Of course she also fed me and allowed me to walk around the hospital wing. 

The best part about having a ridiculous amount of free time was great when it came to writing Darius' and Elise's letters. It ended up taking me around 3 hours just to finish them both but afterwards, I thought they turned out pretty well. I covered the basics about my new wand and what the school was like and how I had gotten a new pet. After reading over them at least four times each, I asked Madame Pomfrey if she could mail my letters, since I had no idea how to mail them myself. She told me that she'd love to and she even got Alexa's letter that had been in my room. At least I knew the letters were on their way and safe. 

Pomfrey was also quite the chatter box once you started getting her talking. My first day here she told me all about some of the teacher drama that had occurred over the years, which was hilarious to hear about. She also taught me about different spells to heal and help people recover. Every time somebody new came into the hospital wing, Madame Pomfrey would make me go to the back of the room. I knew she didn't want me to tune into the people who came in but I was getting almost tired with just seeing Pomfrey and Draco. Of course I still enjoyed seeing them but sometimes I wish Jackie would visit. 

Today was Friday, my fourth day in the hospital wing. My head had finally stopped pounding around midday yesterday so I felt ready to run around again. I jumped out of bed as soon as the first signs of daylight shown in the room. I changed into my school uniform and tiptoed out of the room. According to watch, it was almost 7. If I hurried I would be able to meet up with Draco before he went on his morning run. The last few days I was far too tired to get up at this time but today I felt worlds better. 

I snuck through the castle and its dark halls. I sulked around each corner, praying I wouldn't get caught by an early rising professor. Technically I was allowed to be out at this time but Pomfrey had let all the teachers know about my condition and I worried that if they saw me, the would make me go back to the hospital wing.

Soon enough I made it to the wall that hid the Slytherin common room so well. I sat down with my back against the wall opposite of the common rooms. I figured there was no point heading to my dorm since Jackie would be asleep and there wasn't exactly anyone else to visit. 

After a minute or two the passage opened and Draco stood there in the same workout clothes he had worn before. I stood up and he smirked at me.

"Couldn't wait to see me could you?" He started walking down the hall and I followed him.

"I'd rather risk empathizing with somebody than dying of boredom." I said as we started walking towards the Quidditch pitch.

"What do you mean boredom? It's not like there is much else to do." Draco stopped at a corner and glanced around.

"I'd rather be getting to know the school. Hearing about everything and actually experiencing it are completely different things." I said as I followed him.

"Oh please you'll wish you were in the hospital wing once school starts." We had finally made it to the grass and were almost to the quidditch area.

"What are you talking about? I actually like school." I said as we walked as fast as we could to the quidditch pitch. He rolled his eyes before stopping the base of one of the green colored towers. 

"I need to practice riding my broom. You can watch." Draco said as he pulled a fancy looking broomstick from a long bag that he had been carrying. 

"Sounds like fun. Do you have a second broom? I'm quite the broom rider if I do say so myself." Draco leaned back down to the bag before tossing me a broom that was almost identical to his. Ilvermorny did have quidditch but I never really got into it. It had never really been my thing but I was always the best broom flier in my year.

"You were great at flying but you never played quidditch?" He walked into the field.

"I thought it was kind of boring. You watch a bunch of people hit balls at each other and sometimes those points don't even count because of the golden snitch." I said as I lazily mounted the broom and kicked myself into the air. I let myself hover just right of Draco as he kicked his leg over the broom and pushed himself up to me. 

"I'm a seeker." Draco said as he leaned himself forward and drifted towards the middle of the field.

"Well if that isn't hilarious I don't know what is." I smirked as I followed him closely behind.

"How is it hilarious?" He sat up straight and brought the broom to a full stop as he turned to look at me.

"Because you are probably super slow." I said as I raised my eyebrows at him.

"Oh really? You think I'm slow?" Draco flew back over to the entrance before landing. "How about we put that to the test?" He shouted as he pulled out a big looking suitcase. I turned my broom and flew over.

"How would we do that?" I leaned myself over my broom as I lazily watched him pull out a golden snitch. I smirked.

"If you think you are so fast why don't you go against me? One on one." He held the snitch between his thumb and forefinger. Almost as soon as it was out of the box, its wings came out.

"Sounds like a plan to me." I smiled as he mounted his broom and flew back over to the middle of the field. 

"So are we making a deal here like what we did with the cheating thing?" He said as he held the snitch out in front of us.

"Sure why not." I said as I kept my eyes on the snitch. 

"Alright." He said as he released the snitch. "If you lose you have to go on a date with me." He said before taking off after the snitch. I scoffed. Of course he wouldn't let me get a word in. I tucked my head down as I watched the snitch. 

And then I was off.

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