Chapter 18 - Missing

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I swallowed hard as Madame Pomfrey ran across the room and stopped in front of me.

"Speak of the devil." She said in a worried tone. "Where were you?" 

"I was-" I made eye contact with Draco before looking back at Pomfrey. "I was just exploring the school grounds. I got bored being in the hospital wing." She sighed.

"Next time you need to let me know when you leave. This world isn't as safe as we'd like it to be." She turned to face all the students. "Resume your meal." Pomfrey said very loudly. Instantly chatter between groups began once again. "How are you feeling?" Pomfrey turned back to face me.

"Much better. I think I might have it under control now." I smiled at her.

"We will see." She started to walk out of the room before turning back and giving me a heartfelt look. "If you get overwhelmed again just shout my name. I'll come running." And with that she left the room.

I turned back to face everyone. I could tell there were many people who just stared and looked at me with an almost distaste. I tried to keep my cheeks from turning red as I walked over to the Slytherin table. As usual, Draco was sitting with his goons and Pansy. I looked up and down the table for Jackie, but I wasn't able to find her. I started to grow worried until I heard somebody call my name. I glanced around and caught sight of Jackie over at the Ravenclaw table. She looked very happy as she waved me over. 

I slowly made my way towards her while making sure to keep track of what feelings were mine. I worried that if I forgot, I would get lost in the sea of emotions surrounding me. 

As soon as I had approached Jackie she smiled at me.

"Well look at you; back on your feet aren't ya?" She nudged my elbow and a quick shock of relief brushed through my system. She was relieved to see me. 

"For now." I joked. "Why are we over here and not with the other Slytherins?" I asked.

"So for the past few days, me and the others have made up. We've been getting back into the swing of being a group." She pointed over my shoulder. "I didn't meet you over by them because we were worried you'd freak." She chuckled.

"I'm fine." I said as I folded my arms. "Let's go see them." I walked around Jackie and looked around for Brooke. Her deep black hair stood out amongst the rest of them. 

"Wait." Jackie said as she stepped in front of me. "I'm sorry for not coming to visit these past few days. I just got so excited that they took me back." She scratched the back of her neck. "Can you forgive me?" 

"Of course I can." I said as I pulled her into a hug. She wrapped her arms around me and instantly I was thrown into the rush of emotions she had. There was the obvious relief and guilt as I had expected but beneath that was a warm feeling I can only describe as homeliness. 

"Jackie!" I heard Brooke's voice over every thing else. As soon as I had heard the voice, I felt a flicker of jealousy in Jackie's emotions before she let me go. I couldn't believe my abilities had developed so quickly. 

Jackie and I hurried over to them. I sat down next to Brooke as Jackie sat down next to Brandon. For a minute they all were quiet.

"How are you doing?" Erin said as she set her fork down.

"I'm alright." I smiled at her. "What was happening before I came in?" Brooke glanced over at me.

"Madame Pomfrey was telling all of us that you, a newly recognized empath, had wandered out of the hospital wing and if anybody finds you they have to go get her." Brooke poked my side. Luckily she didn't really give me any sort of feeling besides the fact that she found this funny.

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