Chapter 13 - Wandering

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I rushed out of the room attempting to catch up to Jackie, who seemed intent on getting out of the Slytherin house as fast as possible. She walked out the passage that lead to the hall. I noticed that Draco and his posse were nowhere to be seen thank god. 

I hurried out of the house and followed Jackie all the way out to the main hall and to the courtyard we had been at the first night.

"Jackie stop." I called out. She halted in her tracks only to start walking towards me.

"Look I'm sorry for getting so upset. It's just last year I got in a fight with Pansy that she started. She told Snape that it was my fault and of course he believed her. She is really good at manipulating a story to make it seem like you are in the wrong." She placed her hand on her head. "Please just saving all that fancy spell casting for dueling club." Jackie smiled at me.

"I should've told you about that side of me. I've always been a natural when it comes to jinxing and hexing people. Plus I've also grown to be quite talented in the hand magic department if I do say so myself." I started walking and she joined me.

"I've always been amazing with potions. It all just makes sense to me you know?" She laughed as she pretended to mix a cauldron. "I ace every single test that Snape gives us." 

"I'm alright at potions. I'm not overwhelmingly amazing but I understand how to do it and all my potions I've had to make turn out how they need to." I shrugged my shoulders.

"I'm absolutely horrid at transfiguration. Like it's bad." We turned towards the changing staircase. 

"I'm pretty okay. At first I was bad but I have the hang of it now." A part of me wished I could show her, but the last thing I wanted to do was make her upset about me casting an unauthorized spell.

"What I am blessed in though, besides potions, is herbology. I think the two kind of go hand and hand but let me tell you if anybody is blessed with the ability to make plants grow, it's me." She said as we started walking up a set of stairs, only for them to start moving right under our feet. I grabbed onto the side of the stairs in order to keep myself from falling.

"Do all of them move?" I asked looking up at Jackie.

"At some point yes." As soon as the stairs stopped on a platform, Jackie was running up the steps and onto the next set of stairs. "Come on!" She yelled down at me. I let go the side rail of the stairs and booked it up next to Jackie. I was scared that the stairs would start moving as soon as I decided to move. I jumped up the rest of the steps and ran up next to Jackie.

"Where are we going?" I looked up the huge stairwell. There were hundreds of paintings. The people in the paintings looked as though they were moving, as pictures often did in the wizarding world. 

"On the sixth floor there is a boys bathroom. I don't plan on taking us there yet but theres a really cool windowed area right near the bathroom." The new set of stairs we were on started to shift and I once again grabbed the rails to keep myself steady. 

"I forgot that there are ghosts here." I said chuckling. "I used to be really afraid of ghosts when I was younger to be quite honest." I looked down the stairwell and caught a glimpse of Draco and his goons hopping onto one of the moving stairs.

"Oh great. Your boyfriend is following us now." Jackie said raising her eyebrows at me.

"He isn't my boyfriend." I let go of the rail and ran up to the next platform. This time we had to wait for the next set of stairs. It only took a minute for the marble steps to stop in front of us, causing both Jackie and I to jump on them without hesitation.

"Skip over the fourth step." Jackie said as she hopped over it herself. I decided not to argue and I jumped over it and joined her at the top of the staircase. "Only one more to go." she didn't take her eyes off the next set of very long stairs. "Wanna try something fun?" Jackie looked back at me.

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