Chapter 5 - Diagon Alley

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The warm green flames had transported me to a bricked street lined with so many shops I couldn't count. Brooke walked in front of me before smirking.

"How was your first time traveling through the Floo?" She smiled as she turned and started walking.

"Amazing. I hate slow travel. It felt so much better to be here instantly." Each shop was filled with so many different thing, from books to brooms to potions. 

"Oh me too. My parents get soo mad when I use Floo Powder but I have to cause I so dislike walking literally anywhere. We both laughed as we walked along the busy street.

"So where do we go first?" I looked around, wide eyed at everything we could possibly get. 

"I think I'm going to drop you off to get your wand while I rush around and get you some of your other stuff. When you are done getting your wand just meet me right outside of Ollivander's okay?" She said as she started walking away.

"Wait where is Ollivander's?" I asked.

"You'll know it when you see it!" She rushed away and ran into a book shop on our right. I started walking, keep a close eye out for the names of stores. After wandering for a solid minute, I came upon a brown looking place. Everything here looked so aged. I wandered into the store only to be greeted by an eccentric looking man. He didn't do anything wild or crazy, I could just tell by the way he looked around the room at the thousands of wand boxes, that he was at least a tad eccentric.

"Are you Ollivander?" I asked as I approached the front desk. Nearly every surface in this place was COVERED head to toe in clutter and long boxes. Some boxes were super long while others were stumpy.

"I am indeed. What can I do for you y/n y/L?" He picked up a piece of paper, glanced at it, and then set it back down.

"How do you know my name?" I figured it was one of his powers but I was always so surprised when people knew my name.

"I had a feeling an American Witch would be visiting me." He started to walk down a long hall to my right that was lined head to toe with even more boxes. I smiled at the sight. I had never seen so many wands before. "Now let's see." He hurriedly went past each box before grabbing one that I figured he was looking for. He rushed back to me before opening the box and giving me a short looking wand with very dark wood.

"What do I do?" I laughed before looking up at him. He smiled at me.

"Just flick it." He said. I used my wrist and flicked the wand, only causing all of the papers from his desk to explode everywhere. I covered my mouth before handing it back.

"I am so sorry." I said as he placed the wand back  into the box and rushed back over to the hallway.

"Don't worry y/n. You should see my shop at the beginning of the year. Hundreds of young witches and wizards can really messy up a man's shop." He laughed before bringing me another wand. I flicked it and made a lamp fall of the desk we both we standing at. I handed him the wand and we went back and forth like this at least six times.

"Is it normally this rough?" I laughed as he walked back over to me with another wand.

"No not usually but I have a good feeling about this one." He gave me another wand and instantly it felt different than the last. I felt lighter, more magical than I ever had with any other wand, even my grandfathers wand.

"I think this is the one." I said with a smile as I flicked it. I closed my eyes as the feeling rushed over me. It was indescribably wonderful. As I opened my eyes, Ollivander smiled at me.

"This is a redwood wand with unicorn hair as the core. I'm almost shocked since you got such a long wand. It's eleven inches. I would also suggest not letting it snap this time alright?" He laughed as I nodded.

"I promise." I put the wand in my right boot. "All of my money is no-maj-" I mentally kicked myself, "Muggle money." I pulled out my wallet. "Is that okay or should I go get my cousin?" He looked down at my wallet before back up at me.

"I won't ask you for anything. That wand has been sitting here for so many years, obviously waiting for you." He nodded as I started to walk out.

"Thank you so much." I waved as I walked out of the store he waved goodbye and wished me good luck at my new school. Brooke had been standing outside the store, leaning against the side of the store.

"How did it go?" She looked around for my wand which I promptly pulled out of my boot and presented it to her.

"That's a nice looking wand." She said as she pulled her own out. Her's was a very light colored wood that had a very prominent handle carved into it. "I remember it took me one try to find this baby." She laughed as she studied mine. "How many times did yours take?" She looked up at me.

"Probably eight or nine." I said shrugging my shoulders. "He said that this wand has been waiting for me for years." She nodded. "So did you get all the other stuff?" I said glancing around. There wasn't anything around her.

"Yeah I did. It got sent to the house. The only other things that you have to be there to get is your pet and your school robes." She started walking down the street and I followed her closely. I quickly shoved my wand into my boot once again. I found that I wore boots more than I wore any other kind of shoe. It was just more convenient for wand keeping in my opinion.

We entered into a shop that had animals everywhere. The amount of animals was absolutely ridiculous. There were cats and birds and any kind of creature you could imagine. I walked around and waited for something to call to me. I had never had the chance to get a pet before since my parents didn't think I could take care of it as a first year. 

Then I heard a tiny squeak from behind me and I turned to face a hedgehog, probably the size of my hand. Instantly I knew this was my animal. I picked the little thing up and out of the area it had been inclosed in. 

"This is it." I said as I looked over at Brooke. She smiled.

"She's very pretty. I have a cat but he likes to wander so I'm not sure where he's at currently." She laughed as she tugged me over to the front desk. A very frazzled looking woman watched us with intent eyes. "We'd like to get this hedgehog please." Brooke said as she open a coin purse.

"That will be two galleons please." The woman had a very thick Irish accent that I couldn't help but marvel at. Brooke handed the lady two coins.

"With the hedgehogs, you have to make sure to clean them often and feed them items on this list." The woman handed me a list of foods for all the animals and I nodded at her. Brooke lead me out of the pet store and over to another store. This one was very obviously a robe store, as when we first walked in there was a tailor ready to measure me. The tailor didn't even say anything as she rushed over and took my measurements before flicking her wand.

"Address?" She asked politely. Brooke scribbled her address down on a piece of paper before handing it to the tailor.

"Can you make sure they are there within the hour?" Brooke asked almost impatient.

"Of course." The tailor walked behind a desk. "I'll send them over right away." She smiled before walking into a back room.

"Well that was the last thing on the list." Brooke said as we walked out of the shop. "Now we just have to get to school. My parents said that the Hogwarts Express is going to be doing a trip later today so we have to hurry." We started almost running back to the fireplaces from which we had come from before. I glanced down at my watch. It was only about one in the afternoon. Time felt distorted and the jet lag from the plane ride was finally starting to hit me.

"Wait how long do we have?" I asked as she grabbed some floo powder.

"Probably an hour and a half at best." She laughed as she tossed the powder into the fire, summoning the green flames. "When you step in make sure to say Mars Mansion." Brooke backed into the fire and said Mars Mansion. She disappeared and I knew it was my turn.

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